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There's an old legend that says that the gods above made humans out of their art, and each one of us is a piece of those gods' work. They gifted us with our skin that ranges from the rich color of  night, to the light color of the clouds. The gods gave us different eyes, different voices, and different skills. They drew out our world bit by bit. They created the world we seek to live in. Of course not all people believe in it, but one thing is for sure, everyone has the skill. 

The skill, is more of a specific thing everyone can do. Everyone can draw their soulmate. Not in total detail like a hyperrealistic drawing, but the simple features. Like if you can only draw stick figures then your stick figure has a couple of features of your soulmate...although, its hard to know who they are if you go by that. Most people don't worry about it because they can wait; or they decide to just get better at drawing faces instead. It's a long process, and if you aren't good at drawing then you're at a loss. Sorry about that. Oh by the way, the catch is that whenever you draw a person, or something that resembles one, it has the features of your soulmate. 

 Anyways, if you decide to wait, it ends in pain. Not death though, of course not. I would never. At the age of 35, people will feel slight chest pains, call it the 'calling of the heart'. It sounds whenever someone is near their soulmate, or anything that is closely related to their soulmate. The gods are cruel, but they aren't cruel enough to not give hints here and there. At the age of 55, tattoos show up on a person's body. They're not pretty. The gods kind of prefer people to be proactive with finding their soulmate instead of waiting. The tattoos a person receives are, also, related to their soulmate. 

Professional artists have.......a lot of issues. If they do draw a person or specialize in that, they have to overcome the challenge of constantly drawing their soulmate. Of course, there are a few handfuls who are just talented at doing that, and others have practiced for years to overcome the natural 'skill'. They are pros after all aren't they? The people who I will speak of next are strange. I can't understand them. 

These people, fans or not of the artists, seek out surgery to change their faces to match the pictures the artists draw. They don't know which features are which on the said art piece that are part of the artist's soulmate's face. They try to though. For the people who get surgery, its only those with the most amount of money in their country, and perhaps the world. Many people are perfectly fine with their soulmates. 

Back to the pro artists, if they decide to draw their soulmate, the problem above arises the most.  It could also be very easy for them to figure out their soulmate though. Only the artist knows for sure who really is their soulmate, and its not a fun game of hide and seek for them. Not at all. 

That's the world the gods have created; and I'm going to lead you through it. 

Come along, its not that bad of a world to be in. The first person we'll visit is an engineer. Strange, sounds a bit boring, but I assure you its not. She's very exciting....when she has a enough sleep. Which..she never does. Anyways, you should get acquainted with her. She's 20, in her prime. She's got bags under her eyes, and melanin popping like no one's business. Her brown eyes glow from behind her owl rimmed glasses, and her hair is put into intricate rows. Done by her mother, the best hair stylist she'll say she will ever have. Her house is not a house, it's an apartment. She makes good money working at one of the biggest manufacturing companies. Her name is Aiysha Timbone. Her apartment is kind of clustered with different layout of machines, highways, and even a few buildings. She's the type to smile when you call her an engineer and not the type to tell you she's a civil engineer. She's calm most of the time (due to lack of sleep) and is sure the one everyone goes to for advice. Although, she could care less about everyone else's problems. 

Moving on, we have the architect. He's....a sport. His charisma is blinding, rest assured that it won't actually blind you. His family is a large one and when he stands up he's at least foot taller than his father. His mother shares her roots from across Europe, moving from France to give birth to her son in America. His father is a bright man. He's 22, and making plans to work with the architects in the capital of the city he's in. He still doesn't remember what it is. He has a nice pair of steel colored eyes behind reading glasses that have red frames. They're always sitting on the edge of his nose, looking like they'll fall over at any second. His name is Gavin Tristan. He's warm and even a bit overbearing at times, but that warmth is what makes him someone everyone adores. 

Several many streets and neighborhoods away, and by that I mean several states, is the musician. She's a trainee, with diets that strive for her body and dances that make her limbs ache. She likes to play her guitar, acoustic, and she was recruited for her singing. At the young age of 15 she was recruited and now at 20, five years later, she finds herself in a group with four other girls. Things aren't going too great with the constant arguing and envy coming from all the members. The company pays no attention to the close quarters that the girls have to be in. She's the youngest of her group in a state of constant yelling. It's a wonder how anyone gets anything done in that place. Poor girl. We were a bit too harsh on her. She believes in us, well not you, me more specifically, but thats besides the point. She knows the legends of the gods, and the soulmate skill. Long black hair falls down to her shoulders, and long lashes flutter as a bottle crashes next to her head. Her frame isn't that of too skinny, but she's got muscle. Her brown eyes are dimmed so much. They reflect sadness as if a glass of whiskey about to be drunk by an alcoholic losing their will. Her name is Hoku Yho. She wants to be a solo artist. Her room is covered in trash, swarmed with four other girls, and no one who sees her knows it. 

Our last person, the last of this exposition is a man. He's normal. Average even. He's got cute looks. Doesn't believe a bit about the gods. He thinks the soulmate thing is all fake. I don't blame him, his parents gave him away to an orphanage once he was off breast milk. No note either, they just dumped him there. His black hair was bleached and turned blonde. It flaps here and there sometimes, but sticks close to his head. His room is a small studio apartment with a folding bed. There, he creates programs for the bigwigs of the city, and even the ones under it.  His name is Jung Jae. His vision is 20/20. If you talk to him, you're not going to get him to stop until he empties his heart out, or makes you shut him out. He's a clever one. He has caught the eye of a few girls, but he never sees them out. He doesn't believe in anything called romance.

So, that's it. There's your exposition to a story of four people. Maybe the gods have mercy, maybe the gods have shown you hints of the future. Time will only tell. Until then, believe in the story of the gods, and perhaps you too will meet your soulmate.

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