Of Leaving and the Future

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People want to leave, in fact while I was writing my story a change in life the beginning was originally talking about how it was one of our most primitive drives that we lived by. It's been in our blood as humans, to have the need to move. Although the motives are different, the instinct is the same for many. There will be those who leave, and there will be those who stay. Soon enough, the ones who stay become the ones to leave after those before them, and the cycle will repeat. 

To leave is to start anew, and to start anew is scary. Only scary to those who have left with no reason other than just to leave. The ones who have left with their own dark reasons will be the ones who question their future to the limit of questioning itself. 

The future is a scary thing, that we cannot predict. It remains as one of the things that causes us so much pain and anxiety. The future will forever be uncertain. That we cannot change. I say these words because they may serve to ease my own worry, but the future is the future. Now is the now. The now is the only thing we can do. The future is not something we prepare for but rather work towards. 

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