My Dear Sinclair

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Max Demian. A mysterious man of a lad. His words come to me in waves, gently, but loudly. 

"Some men believe there to be two worlds, and try their best to keep them separate, but those are the men who are then destroyed by trying to keep the two apart. One man's taboo when found out is a noble honest man's daily routine. If there is to be a god of all there is good, then what of all that is bad? I believe it truly fair then, to have a god of all things bad and evil, for then it should be fair and even that way." Or so as his thoughts seem to sound to me as I read them from Sinclair's point of view. Sinclair is a fearful man, who has not yet, from my progress reading, finished recalling just how he managed to find himself. As a young boy, he was fearful, and was one of those who had two worlds. I agree with Demain, despite his words that seem strange and unbelievable to others, they ring true. Demain is one who seems just mysterious enough that if there were more of him, we should have many individual thinkers and doubters, for, "You must always doubt,". 

I see the two worlds when I look into his eyes, the ones that seem to regard me with warmth, and happiness each time I look at them, and I believe that at times they cannot hold anything deeper than just those two emotions. 

I see the two worlds when I look into his eyes, the ones that can look with sadness, and emptiness at a world ravaged so harshly. 

There is no use, I realized as I took his hands in mine and held him close, to separate the two worlds, of the heaven and hell. For without one, how would the other be? IF not for one, and the other, how can they create harmony? 

I see my world, in him. I see the world in him.

I watch the trials of man, and of the people who the earth shelters, as he holds me close to him. Nothing is said, and sometimes a spare glass of wine is left on the windowsill as we watch the city below us. It's quiet, and when I turn my head to look at him, he's simply gazing at the city with the two worlds in his eyes. 

A dark world, with hate, fear, disgust, jealousy, sadness, pain and so much more. 

A bright world, with only happiness, and love, kindness, and warmth. 

Both are mixed in his eyes, the sharp ones that are so childish at the same time. I see the dark and the light in his face when he bites his lip and a pained expression crosses his face, and then when he opens his eyes slowly and a grin graces his lips.

Sometimes the dark will overpower the light, and I won't be there to see it, when his eyes close tightly and don't open to face the world. When his chest feels as if it's being stepped on, by a monster called anxiety, and depression. When his tightly closed eyes let tears drop from them like a drizzle. What he remembers, is that he has light. He is the light that will guide himself to the land. It takes him a while to fully understand that, and by then I'm by his side again, laughing and kissing him. 

You must remember too then, my Sinclair, that there are two worlds, and that you should not try and separate them, for you have both, and it is not right to ignore the other in favor of the first. You have both inside you, and thus both will fight until you may question it's purpose, and doubt as to why it should have so much power on you. Think of it as so, and maybe you will come to realize that then you are both worlds combined. 

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