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Tears were dripping down the woman's face as she helplessly tried to break free from her chair.I giggled and grabbed her neck.I strangled her with all my rage.She now lay dead in the chair."Your turn brother..",I said while I handed him the knife.He smiled and took the knife."So long slut.",Grell said as he cut the woman's body parts off.The pitter of feet ran down the alleyway."We've got company.",I said smiling."Grab my scythe sister.", Grell said as he put on his black trench coat.I ran to the pile of bodies and grabbed our scythes.Both the same of course."Grell come on out.",a man said.We both walked out with our heads down."Sebastian let go of me.",the little boy said."My my,Grell is this your next victim she is very fetching.It would be such a shame to see her bloody body laying next to you.",Sebastian said as he grabbed my waist.I jerked away and slapped him."For your information I am his twin sister and if you think your getting next to me your mistaken.",I said while backing away to my brothers side."Sebastian now is not the time.",the little boy said while looking down."Might I ask your name?",I asked the boy."Ciel phantomhive.Earl to the phantomhive manor.",Ciel introduced.I nodded."Well it's such a shame to see both of your bodies laying in a ditch.",I said as I pulled up my black gloves and smirked."sister wow that's...amazing.",Grell said as he smirked."Let's get this started shall we?",I said as I revved my scythe.Sebastian and Ciel were surprisingly smiling."Sebastian take care of the two pests.Do what you want to with the girl.",Ciel commanded."Yes my lord.",Sebastian said.....

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