I walked to the phantomhive manor,putting my ear on the wall."Ok fine we will put on a play for the children.",Ciel groaned,"Hamlet."I buzzed in excitement.
"Sister,are you spying on my bassy?",Grell asked."No I don't even like him.",I said as I smiled slightly."Follow me.",I said as I grabbed Grell's arm.The dull quoting of the play made me a little annoyed.I kicked the door down."To be or not to be that is the question.", Grell said to me."Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer.",I said as I put my hand out."The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.", Grell recited as he grabbed my hand."Or to take arms against a sea of troubles.",I said."Surprising from you two.",Sebastian said.I shrugged my shoulders and looked down."I've been taught about hamlet.",I said."The play is in three days.Rose,you shall play Ophelia.I will play laertes.",Sebastian whispered in my ear."I'm not a fan of dresses or my hair being curled.",I said as I crossed my arms and grinned,"But I know who is."I pointed to Grell.I walked away and went to a guest room.I changed into my "Jack the ripper" attire.I ran down the hall and backfliped back into the room where everyone was.Sebastian looked at me and smirked.I frowned and slapped him."Now I must be on my way.",I said as I walked away."Wait..",Sebastian said as he grabbed my arm.I looked back and grabbed his throat."Rose let him go.", Ciel said while staring at me.I loosened my grip and said ok.
(Time skip to the play)I was wearing a long red dress with black lace trimming with my hair curled to my waist."It's your part.",Sebastian said as he handed you roses,"For props."I rolled my eyes and walked on the stage in front of the fake water.There was a fake tree I had to climb.I reached the top and the branch broke.I pretended to drown.I lay still on the stage as I hold the roses.The theatre went black.I felt like I was picked up.I flailed my arms and felt glasses."You really don't like being picked.",William said.I started blushing and crossing my arms."Put me down and your lucky you can't see me.",I said."Oh I can.",William said as he put me down.I looked away and ran away to the abandoned building where Ivy is.
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.