I was thinking about what William said earlier.It made my face red just thinking about it.I heard a knock on my door."Come in.",I said cheerfully.Ronald walked in and grabbed another chair."Rose what are your interest?Im asking for a friend.",Ronald asked.I giggled and smiled."Well when I'm alone I love to read a good book and write.Mostly I drink out my troubles.",I said shyly."Ronald nodded."Do you have a specific taste in anything?",Ronald asked"Well for flowers I love red and black roses.For any sweets,I just enjoy chocolate covered strawberries and some tea,it always soothes my temper.",I said.I whistled.Ivy ran and jumped into my lap.Ronald nodded and left my office.Ronald opened William's door."Well Mr.Spears ,I got her interest.",Ronald said while smiling.William perked up,"I'm listening."Ronald listed off the things I told him."I see,she's truly a calm sensual woman.",William said as pushed his glasses up and blushed."Mr. Spears calm down.",Ronald said.William shook his head,"Oh god it's bad.",Grell said as he walked in."Oh my god it really is.",Ronald said.William just glared at both of them.I walked in the office."Whatcha Guys doing?",I said as I had Ivy in my arms."Uh h-h-hi Rose.",William started to stutter.Ivy started squirming.I put her down and she jumped in William's lap.William looked down to see Ivy.Ivy just curled up in a ball and purred."She trust you William.",I said as I put my hand to my mouth.William scratched behind her ears.Ivy cooed and stretched."Aww so cute.",I thought.William just looked at me and started blushing."What's wrong are you sick?",I said as I felt William's cheek."More like he wants you to play his "Personal" nurse",Ronald said snickering."Your hand is very soft rose.",William said as he felt my hand.Grell just stood there with his arms crossed.I giggled and walked towards my brother."Are you ok?",I teased as I poked his face.Grell just smiled and looked at me."Knox,Sutcliff would you two excuse me for a second?",William asked.Ronald and Grell left the office.Ivy got up and stood next to me."Rose can I meet you somewhere after work tonight?",William asked,"The library perhaps?"I love the library,but how did he know?"Sure I have a special dress just for the occasion.",I said as I blushed.William just looked up and down at my body."Idiot.",I said as I giggled.William just looked away."Well I guess I will see you at the library.",I said as I walked away.Ronald walked back into the office."Nice job.",Ronald said.The day ended and I rushed home to find my dress(The dress above).I put on my boots and my black lipstick.I tried to find my brush but I couldn't.I walked to the library.I opened the door and saw Williams scythe on the table and a bouquet of red and black roses.I walked towards the table and picked up the bouquet and smelled them."This is beautiful.",I said to myself,"But I wonder why he would leave his scythe here."I set the flowers down and searched for a book.I saw William looking at me."My my that dress is fetching on you.",William said as he grabbed my hand."Was the flowers your idea.",I said inquisitively."I thought you might like them.I picked them myself,just for you."William said as he pushed up his glasses.I started blushing."Go ahead and kiss her that way she can do a little something extra.",the undertaker said as he smiled and giggled."Pervert.",William said as we walked away to the table.I sat down and started reading.William got up and walked away.I got up and followed him.William was talking to the undertaker.I went back to the table and read."Rose can I show you something.",William asked as he grabbed my hand.I giggled and nodded.We walked outside."You have been so sweet tonight.",I said as I pecked William's cheek. William shyly smiled and grabbed my arms.I felt like it was the perfect moment.I put my lips on his.For the first time I felt happy,I felt love.Willam put his hands on my waist.I smiled and grabbed his hand and walked towards the abandoned building.We both entered the building.I took off his coat and dropped it on the floor.William unzipped my dress,revealing a black corset and underwear.I unbuttoned William's shirt and smirked.I heard footsteps and a gasp."How could you do that...", Grell said.I looked down in shame."Sutcliff go.",William said angrily."No,I'm not leaving so you can make love to my sister.SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO BRINGS ME HAPPINESS and to see her be taken by anyone..Well..is gonna die.", Grell yelled.My eyes were wide.I felt shame.I grabbed William's shirt,put it on,and ran out crying.William grabbed his coat and ran after me...
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.