Young recruits

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I felt like I was flying when I was asleep.I woke up but I wasn't on the floor.I was on the couch and William was on the bottom just sleeping."What the hell?",I thought.William woke up and looked at me."Good morning.",William said.I got off the couch.William got up and grabbed my arm."What happened to Grell?",William asked."He tried to do something but I took the lamp and smashed it over his head.Then I dragged his body to his office and wrapped bandages around the wound.",I explained and smiled.William looked a little frightened.I walked to my brother's office and he was awake on the floor."Try something like that again and another lamp will go through your head.",I said as I fell to my knees."I hate you and your lamp.",Grell said.I got up and helped my brother up.Ronald saw us."What happened to your head Grell.",Ronald asked ."A little incident.",I said sweetly."Now if you will pardon I have to go to the library to get a few books.",I said as i put my arms around my back and brushed pass Ronald."Rose,you have field work today.",William said as I walked."Your welcome to come along if you want.",I said.I drank from my flask and ran out the building.I hopped on the roof.My first target was a pair of twins.One boy and one girl.Grell ran behind me.My eyes were wide,i gritted my teeth to hold my tears in."I can't kill them.",I said.Grell saw the twins.They both had red hair and green eyes.They were only five years old.There was going to be a shooting."Sis they look like us.",Grell said.I started crying.The bullets went through both of their heads.I walked to both of them."Please don't kill us miss,if you do,send us to heaven with mommy.",the little girl said."Our names are Wayne and Lillian.",the boy said.I drove my scythe through both of their chest.The records show they were really close and of their mother hanging by a noose.Their last memory was now and they held each other's hand and accepted their fate.I pulled out the file and stamped "Complete" on it.I walked to my brother and started crying."WHY DID THEIR LIVES HAVE TO BE TAKEN SO QUICKLY?!",I yelled as I hugged my brother,"They were so young.I went through the files for the rest of the day.I walked into my office and worked on paperwork."Rose are you ok,you look tense.",William said as he walked into my office."These kids died today,They looked like Grell and I.",I said as I looked down."Remember,this is just a job.",William said emotionless as he put his hand on my shoulder.It was midnight and I walked out of the building."Miss,You sent us to heaven.",the little girl said as she hugged me.Her little brother hugged me too.No way,but if that happened,they would be the youngest recruits.",I thought to myself."Rose who are these two li-",Grell tried to say as he saw the twins."No way..",he said silently."You look like daddy!",the little girl said as she pointed to Grell.I snickered."Rose who are these two?",William and Ronald asked as they pointed to them."That's impossible,there too young.",William said,"What are your names?"."My name is Lillian and my brothers name is Wayne.",Lillian introduced.William looked at me and Grell."You've always wanted a daughter named Lillian.",I said to William.Lillian and Wayne grabbed one of my hands.William blushed and looked away."That's funny.", Ronald said."You two come with me."I said as I smiled.They started walking with me tho the abandoned building.When we got there,they both yawned and laid on the floor and fell asleep."What am I gonna do?",I said to myself as I fell asleep.

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