How am I going to get Claude to kiss Sora?,I think to myself."I could posses you...",Sora suggested as she fiddled with her thumbs."I can agree with that.",I said as I picked up Sparrow as she was sleeping."Sparrow is so adorable.She looks exactly like William.",Sora exclaimed.I sighed silently and placed her back."What if William talks to me?",Sora asked."Um..If you have been watching would know exactly what to do.",I explained.Sora blushed and looked away embarrassed.I sighed annoyed,"Not anything sexual.."She turned back to look at me.I opened up my drawer and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.Sora looked uncomfortable as I started drinking.I stopped chugging down the bottle."What's the matter?",I asked as I set the bottle down.Sora didn't say anything.I felt like I did something wrong."I just...don't like alcohol...",Sora said silently.I just laid my head down and silently cried."I'm turning into my father...",I cried silently."Mother, it's ok..",a small voice said as it grabbed my hand."Sparrow..How did you get so big?",I asked as I hid the bottle.Sparrow wasn't looking at me, which was odd."Honey, your looking at a wall.", Sora said as she turned sparrow to where she would look at me."Oh poor thing, you must not see anything.",I said as I grabbed her hand,"Follow me darling,we can get that problem fixed."I walked slowly as I held on to Sparrow's hand.Sora floated beside us."Momma,where are we?",Sparrow asked as she struggled to walk."Were going to get you a pair of glasses from your father.",I explained."I didn't know I had one.I would love to see him.",Sparrow said enthusiastically.She had her other arm out in front of her to feel for surroundings.Sora had a look of fear on her face and disappeared."Is this little lady sparrow?",William asked as he grabbed her hand."Mother,who is this?I feel a glove.",Sparrow said as she reached for William."That's your father.He might be able to help you see.",I said."That's right.I have an extra pair of glasses.",William said calmly.He took out an extra pair of glasses form his coat pocket and put them on Sparrow.This is so adorable,I thought to myself.Sparrow gasped in shock and looked around,"I can see now."My eyes were tearing up as she looked around."Mother,your so beautiful.",Sparrow said happily.She started to cry as she covered her face,"I shouldn't be crying,but I'm so happy."I glanced at William and he struggled to keep his emotions down."You can smile Willy, you made your little girl happy.",I said sweetly as I put my hands together.William pushed up his glasses and hugged sparrow.Sparrow was confused but she slowly hugged back."I've never felt this feeling before...what is it?",Sparrow asked confused."Love my little's called love.Although your heart doesn't still feel this feeling...",William explained.The way he explained was very passionate."Daddy,why are you crying?",Sparrow asked concerned.I was surprised when she asked her question."I...don't exactly know my little bird.",William said as he stood back up.Tears were still pouring from his face.The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife."Willy,your still crying.",I said concerned.I wiped away his tears,"Willy, it's ok..."William just kissed me."Hey sis I got a bottle of wine let's get wast-",Grell said he saw us.Sparrow just stood and watched in amazement.Willam stopped and stood up strait,pushing up his glasses in embarrassment."I don't think it's a very smart idea to French kiss in front of my little niece.", Grell said as he covered Sparrow's eyes,"Now you can continue."I Blushes in embarrassment and looked down."I'm sorry little bird.That was irresponsible of me.",Willam said."Its ok daddy.But why is everything I see black?",She asked."I'm your uncle little one.Im your mother's twin brother.",Grell explained as he put his hand down,"You look just like your dad."Sparrow just grinned as she looked at William."What all the commo-Woah...",Ronald exclaimed as she looked at Sparrow."William,she looks just like you...that's just insane to me."Sparrow looked scared and backed away.I was concerned."Sparrow,what's wrong honey...",I asked as I raised my hands up to caress her.Sparrow fell to feel knees and shook violently as tears poured from her face,"I see the man with golden eyes.He wants to take me away."I hugged sparrow tightly and whispered in her ear,"I'll make him go away."Sparrow continued to shake violently."I'll be back little bird...", William said as he kissed her forehead and walked to his office."Little bird?",Ronald questioned,"What an odd little name."William came back with his scythe in his hand,"Rosemary come with me."I got up,but sparrow wouldn't let go."Grell, watch over her for a little bit please?",I asked."Of course.", Grell said as he grabbed sparrow's hand.She struggled to not let go of her grip."Honey, we will be right back ok.",I said to sparrow as I kissed her head.Sparrow stopped resisting and walked to Grell's side.William grabbed my hand and we walked out into the cold dark night to find him...
(This is what sparrow looks like)
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was they serve as grim reapers.