I woke up in a coffin.William tightly grabbed my hand."Wake up love..",I said as I caressed William's face.William woke up and slicked his hair back."Your tie is a little uneven..",I said as I fixed his tie and smiled."I love you.",William said as he kissed my cheek.I kissed him and smiled,"I love you too."I got up out of the coffin and stretched."What are you two doing in my coffins?",Undertaker asked."We fell asleep.",I said."After you passed out drunk.",William said."Whatever.",I said blushing,"Willy..."William sighed and got up."Oh yea...",Undertaker said snickering,"That was hilarious."I rolled my eyes.I grabbed William's hand,"I think we will be leaving."Before undertaker could respond,William and I were out the door.I heard crying down the alleyway."William,do you hear that?!",I said."What?",William said inquiring.I ran down the alleyway and looked.I stopped running.I saw a little baby,crying.Its family was murdered and there bodies decomposing.William ran behind me.I picked up the baby and was soothing it."Are you ok?",William said as he put his hand on my shoulder.I started crying."The baby is female.Were keeping her.",I said.William looked uncomfortable."Its ok William.",I said,"Do you want to name her."William was still in a state of shock,"Yes."He thought of a name,"Sparrow."I looked at him in surprise."Why sparrow.",I asked."It was my favorite bird that I studied when I was younger.",William explained."Its a beautiful name.Lets walk back.",I said as I walked to the offices.William walked beside me.Sparrow's eyes were glowing pink as she giggled."Demon.",William and I said.We walked to the entrance.Ronald and my brother ran outside towards us."Sister!Whats with the baby?",Grell asked."Same.",Ronald said."Her name is sparrow.",William said sternly."When did you start gettin' overprotective?",Ronald asked."Why does it make a difference?",I asked."How did you hide your pregnancy?", Grell shrieked."I didn't.William and I just found her in the alleyway.",I said."Sure you did!",Ronald said sarcastically."William,hold sparrow while I go beat Ronald's ass.",I said.William took sparrow in his arms.I kicked Ronald in the stomach."Jackass!",Ronald yelled as he fell to the ground.Grell grabbed behind me so I couldn't hit Ronald."I'm gonna call you...Skully!",Grell said excitedly as he pointed at sparrow.Sparrow was asleep in William's arms."That's adorable.",I said silently as I clasped my hands together."You find her a place in my office.I'll hold her until you do that.",William said.I walked into William's office.I remembered I had a tiny red blanket in my office.I ran to grab it.I ran back to gently grab sparrow and swaddle her in the blanket."If you ever come near Sparrow.I'll kill you.",I said to Ronald as my eyes glowed pink.I walked off to William's office and sat on the desk."OH BROTHER!",I called.Grell walked in,"what?"."Take sparrow for a little while...",I said as I handed him sparrow."Ok..Why?", Grell asked."Spending time with your niece.",I lied.Grell walked to his office.I popped a button off my dress and slipped my boots off.William walked in his office."What are you doing?",William asked as he shut the door."Fooling around.",I said,"Whatever I'll move."I jumped off his desk and laid down on the couch.William sat in his chair and started to work on paper work.
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.