I was writing down useless notes for my work.I wanted to cause mischief,but I couldn't.Then I remembered the lamp incident and Sora.I wish I could bring her back.I had dozed off and laid my head down."Rosemary?",a small voice said."Sora?", I questioned as I raised my head,"Where are you?"A ghostly figure of Sora appeared behind me."There's a way.Make me a demon again.You will be knocked out for a little while. But don't worry it won't hurt.",Sora explained, gesturing with her hands. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. " You want me to KISS YOU?" I exclaimed. She blushed and shook her head, " No, no. I just don't know any people in the area." She shifts herself in front of me. " I need you to get me a date."
She disappears into thin air, " wait!" I scream reaching to her place. Nothing was there but thin air. Ronald knocks on the door, " Did I hear you talking to yourself? You know, about Sora." He says shyly, letting himself in."Um yea...",I said as I scratched my arm nervously."Why?",Ronald asked.He looked a little hurt. " I just miss her that's all,"and she was here, I say in my mind. " Well you seemed flustered..." He pressured, trying to get under my skin. "It's none of your concern." I speak loudly. Ronald huffs, and walks out and slams to door closed. I sigh and stop itching my arm. Claude is a good match, I think, but then again I... My thoughts trail off into madness and I take a quick breather. "Are we arranging a date here," I startle to Sora's voice, " I heard you and Ronald. Poor thing..." She trails off with her sweet voice. I snap her back into reality, she responds to quickly. "Yeah?" She says quite loudly. I blankly say, " What's on your mind?" She quickly vanishes. Grell Walks in with the baby. I put a smile on and took her. I fed her, sung to her, and rocked her to sleep and put her in the new cot I got for her. A few hours later when I was getting ready to leave Sora came back. " Hello. And hello to you Sparrow," she smiled. Her eyes remained the same softened blue the whole time. " Ronald is restless. It is my purpose to put his mind to rest." She says calmly. I gawk at her. "But the purpose is so small, you would be here for a short while, he will be heart broken again after you leave!!" I scream. She starts to cry but the tears just disappear when they reach her jaw. As if they dissolve. " WELL AT LEAST I WONT HAVE TO BE THERE TO FEEL HIS PAIN THE NEXT TIME OVER!" She twitches. Sora breathes and recollects herself. I stare at her. " I would understand why that would be your purpose." I say calmly once again. Her exact words were, " I want to find him a partner even after I truly die, and I want you to help me spend the most happiest ending days and he wouldn't need me anymore." She cracks out of her small, porcelain lips. " I need him to be free."
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.