Whiskey for a troubled little lady

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I walked on the street.I saw a tavern.I walked in and sat down in the booth."What would you like to drink?",the bartender said gruffly."Whiskey.",I said."What's a little lady like you doin' in a place like this?",the bartender asked as he slammed the whiskey on the bar.I grabbed the whiskey and drank every drop."Another one.",I said.The bartender looked at me in amazement."How can you drink that fast?",he asked as he handed me another bottle of whiskey.I drunk that one in one gulp."Another.",I said as I started sounding drunk.The bartender just kept handing me drinks.I finished at least five of them and I hobbled down the street.I bumped into something."What are you doing drunk on the street?",William asked.I stumbled onto William and just drunkly laughed.He picked me up and started walking."I'm taking you home.Then I'm leaving.",William said stressed."What if I want you to stay.",I said as I tugged on his tie."I'm not going to.",William said."What if I do something will that make you stay.",I said as I giggled."Like what?",William said confused.I just laughed.He realized what I meant and started blushing."Hehehe.You get my drift.",I said as I pointed to him.William just rolled his eyes.We arrived at the building and he laid me on the floor."Where are you going?",I said as I grabbed his coat and draped it over my body,"Now your gonna have to come get it off me."William looked annoyed and he sat next to me."Second thoughts.",I said.He laid down next to me.I took his glasses and sat them near me.He grabbed my waist and pulled me close."Rose,have you ever wanted children.",William asked me.I looked at him."If I ever found the right guy and I think I'm looking at him.",I slurred as I brushed his hair down.I drifted off to sleep.William went to sleep after me.I heard heels and a camera flash."I got you guys.",Grell said.I woke up slowly."God Damn it.",I said as I laid back down."What's wro-",William asked as he woke up.He realized that he had just been taken a picture of while he Was asleep."Sister are you drunk?",Grell said seriously.I giggled."Maybe whatcha gonna do about it.",I said childish."The alcohol is mine now.",Grell said playfully."NOOO!NOT THE BOOZE!!!",I yelled as I got up.William woke up startled."YOU ARE GONNA HAVE TO KILL ME IF OU WANT ALL MY ALCOHOL!",I yelled drunk as I fell towards William.He caught me and sat me down.I ran out the building to the undertaker's shop.I gently opened the door and closed it."This smells nice.",I
said as I got into a coffin.I heard giggling."Guess who my darling.",a creepy voice said,"If you insist,just don't make William upset."I got out of the coffin."Undertaker.",I said disappointed."The one and only my dear.",he said as he grabbed my hand and smiled,"Hehehehe so soft and delicate.I wonder what you would look like in stitches."Undertaker felt my arm and then my face."What the hell are you doing old man?",I said."Feeling how soft you are with your porcelain skin.Just like your brother.",Undertaker said as he smirked."Ok ewww...Gross",I said as I backed up."Has William done the proper deed with a beautiful corpse like yourself?",Undertaker said giggling.I gagged and hit him playfully on the shoulder."Why does it matter idiot?",I said playfully."Can't an old man be curious?",Undertaker said as he shrugged his shoulders."William definitely picked the best Rose in the bunch.",Undertaker said,"I remember when you and your brother were just recruited."I blushed and yawned."Your kinda like an older relative to me.",I said as I smiled,"I have to get something of my chest."Undertaker raised an eyebrow in suspicion."Did you know William wanted kids?",I said."With you I saw it coming from a mile away.",Undertaker said.I rolled my eyes."Well I might as well be on my merry way.",I said as I waved goodbye and left.I fell asleep drunk in an alleyway...

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