I walked into the abandoned building.The bodies where starting to rot.I sighed and fell asleep."Rose wake up.", Grell said as he shook me."William stop..",I said groggily,"think about last night."Grell gagged and realized.I raised my arm groggily and grabbed Grell's coat."If your up for seconds that's fine with you.My brother can't know though."I said with eyes with my eyes opening with my hands on Grell's chest.We both stared at each other and screamed."William huh sis....",Grell said smirking."What?",I said as I put my gloves and boots on."You can talk dirty in your sleep Rose.I'll just leave it at that.",Grell said as he sat down.My face was red and I looked down.I walked to my office."Rose...",William said as he walked into my office.I squeaked and stood up with a pen in my hand."What do you want.",I snarled.William was shocked."What's wrong Rose.",William said as he grabbed my hand."Back away from me!",I yelled as I slapped him and ran away with tears in my eyes."Must hold back the monster inside me.",I said as I grabbed my head.It was too late.My eyes turned black with a red glare.I smiled a Cheshire smile.I twirled into my regular outfit.I walked down the hallway slowly to see a womanly silhouette."Sora...I don't think you should've said what you said.",I said with my head tilted.Sora looked at me in fear.I ran up to her and bit her neck.The fresh blood pouring out of her body."R-Ron...",Sora tried to say but her body went limp.I giggled and carried the body.I waited for Ronald to exit his office.He walked out of his office and I walked in with Sora's dead body.I slammed the body on the floor and ran back into my office."SORA NO!",Ronald yelled as tears formed in his eyes and picked up the body.William ran into his office.I just walked.Ronald was in tears as I just smiled."Sister what did you do?",Grell whispered in my ear."Look at the neck.",I said as my eye color went to normal.I opened my flask and took a shot of alcohol."Grell,Rose in my office now.",William growled as he walked to his office.I walked in and sat down.Grell came in after me."Which one of you was it?",William asked looking down,"The marks on her neck are obvious it was one of you." I rolled my eyes and drank from my flask.I pulled out matches and poured alcohol on Williams desk.I lit the match and dropped it on the desk and ran.The office lit on fire."Will..",Grell said as he grabbed his arm and dragged him from out of his office.I looked back and laughed....
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.