It was morning.I stretched out on the floor.Wayne and Lillian were up already."Good morning you two.",I said."Is daddy still asleep.",Lillian said as she rubbed her eyes.I thought it was humerus that she called my brother her father."Yes he is do you want me to wake him up?",I said cheerfully.She nodded yes.I walked to my brother to see his coat draped over him.He woke up and stared at me."Give me my coat back.",Grell said sternly.Lillian and Wayne giggled.I threw his coat at him."You two come with me.",I said as I held my hand out.Wayne grabbed my hand and we started walking.Lillian grabbed Grell's coat.I turned around and saw her."Aww that's adorable.",I said teasingly.Grell just looked at her and smiled.He reached out his hand and Lillian shyly took it."Its like were one big family but were not alive.",Lillian said depressed.I stopped in my tracks."I know it's painful.",Grell said as he hugged her.Wayne hugged me too."There so emotional.",I thought.We walked into the building.I took Wayne and Lillian to my office.They both sat on the floor."Hmm what can I do to amuse you two?",I said,Do you like reading?"Lillian nodded yes.I handed her a book.Her and Wayne started reading together.William walked in and saw them reading."Aren't they adorable will?",I said as I smiled.William just smiled and put his hand on my shoulder."They sure are but they look exactly like you.",William said,"It's kind of coincidental."I stared at him and gagged.I sniffed the air and smelled something.A demon."Prepare forces",I said as I got up.I picked up Lillian and Wayne and hid them in William's office."Please don't let him take us.",Wayne said."Who?",I said scared."I believe you have something of mine.",someone said behind me.Wayne and Lillian's eyes started glowing pink."You took care of our kids.",Sebastian said as he knelt down to Lillian's level.Lillian just held in her screams."W-W-What are you talking about.",I said.Sebastian grabbed my arms passionately.Wayne and Lillian got up.Wayne grabbed Sebastian's suit and dragged him down.Lillian ran to get a weapon, my scythe."Your not going to hurt your father are you?",Sebastian said sweetly."You hurt mommy,now I'm gonna hurt you.",Lillian said as she pointed to Sebastian.William ran into his office to see the scene."T-There demons...",William said,"Sebastian I'm gonna kill you.Lillian sprouted little demon horns and black claws.Her teeth went sharp.Wayne did the same thing."Are they Midnight's", William asked."No there hers.",Sebastian said as he pointed to me.William looked at me."I won't believe that.",he said."What was he going to do to you.",I said.Both twins grew into teenagers."Turn us into weapons for that retched manor.",Wayne said.His voice had gotten deeper.Lillian chuckled and put the scythe to Sebastian's neck."Wayne go get father.I want him to do the honors.",Lillian said."A slight problem with that my ignorant daughter,he really likes me,so that means he won't lay a finger on me and that's not really your actual mother.",Sebastian said as he pushed Wayne down and got up.I growled and grabbed Sebastian's neck.Sebastian grabbed Lillian by the neck and picked her up.William grabbed Sebastian and smashed his head on the wall.He grabbed Lillian and I told Wayne to Run.Lillian laughed insanely and cried blood,"What do you mean?"Sebastian just smirked and said,"Be Prepared for a monster." William laid Lillian on the couch and grabbed his scythe."You are not worthy of ever coming near me or the kids you abandoned.",William said angrily as he drove his scythe through Sebastian's stomach."Thank you for ending our misery.",Lillian said quietly as she passed out.Sebastian passed out due to the blood loss.I just cried and looked at Lillian."Please don't become your father.You or Wayne.",I said quietly."William...",I said as I hugged him in tears.William hugged me.He brushed the hair out of my face.I looked on the couch and Lillian was oddly still.I checked her breathing.She wasn't breathing.Her body was limp.I ran down the hall and checked Wayne.His body was limp too."There dead.I couldn't save them.",I said.William just grabbed my hand."Is this what emotion feels like?",William said silently."Yes only this is the beginning love.",I said as I pecked him on the lips."What am I feeling now,love?", William said as he felt his heart.Not beating."Oh yea",William said.I pushed his glasses up and smiled."I don't have a heart beat either.",I said.I took his hand and put it on my chest."See?Im dead too."Ronald walked in and saw William's hand on my chest."Gee guys this isn't sexual at all.",Ronald said sarcastically,"Get a room."William snatched his hand back and blushed."Nice job party boy.",I said as playfully punched his shoulder.I notice Williams hair was a little messy.I grabbed a comb and started going combing his hair back."There perfect.",I said as I set the comb down.Ronald looked freaked out.I grabbed a pen and threw it at him."Dont freak out party boy.",I said as I smiled.
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was they serve as grim reapers.