Physical apperances

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I just ran and ran.My breaths are painful.I stop and look around.I see a graveyard and a rose bush.I walked towards the roses and noticed one withering.I picked it and walked into the graveyard.The smell of decaying bodies, young or old, smelt wonderful to me."Why am I like this all the time.",I said to myself.I started singing(the song above).I skipped through the graves and looked around.I heard footsteps and corked my head sideways.My hair started to grow to my ankles.My skin turning pale.My nails turned red.I covered my face and my lips were dark red like lipstick.My teeth were sharp like my brothers.My eyes where wide in fear."It looks like the Rose is starting to blossom.",Sebastian said behind me.I squeaked and pulled out my flask.Sebastian grabbed my flask."Give that back!",I shouted as I tried to grab it.Sebastian just glared at me and smirked.He caressed my cheek."Simple little thing.So fragile.I must be careful not to break you like a porcelain doll.",Sebastian said as he looked into my eyes."I DON'T LIKE YOU!",I yelled as I backed away,"I HONESTLY WANT TO KILL YOU BUT I WONT BECAUSE OF MY BROTHERS FANTASIES OVER YOU!"Sebastian stared at me with a surprised look."I should've killed you from the moment i saw you Sebastian mechalis.You should be afraid of a sutcliff,we are always insane.",I said as I smiled a Cheshire smile."Sister...",Grell said in front of you.I yelled and jumped."Because of you William could've died.You have really changed.Your starting to go insane just like our parents did.",Grell said."YOU KILLED PROSTITUTES THAT GOT ABORTIONS!",I yelled as tears formed in my eyes."You helped too.",Grell said as pointed to me.I looked down and giggled.My giggled turned into psychotic laughter.I kicked Sebastian in the gut.My flask went in the air and I grabbed it."Red wine sounds great right about now.",I said to myself as I drunk from my flask."You really are a monster.",Sebastian said.I looked at him and smiled.Grell walked up to him and grabbed his throat.I walked beside him and whispered,"We can end you."Sebastian couldn't talk as his face turned a light purple."That's enough.",a light voice said behind me.I turned around and it was Ciel.I grabbed his throat and started choking him.Sebastian struggled to get out of my brothers grip."S-Se-",Ciel struggled to say as his face turned purple.Sebastian took Grell's arm and broke it.Grell shouted in pain.I let go of Ciel and ran to him.I grabbed Grell's arm."This is gonna hurt for a minute.",I said as I bent his arm back into place.He winced in pain but shook it off."Let's get the brat shall we Sister.",Grell said as he got out his death scythe.I nodded and smiled in response."After this I'm drinking my little heart out.",I said as I got out my death scythe."WHAT THE HELL!",I shouted.Sebastian and Ciel were gone."What the-",Grell tried to say as I poured alcohol in his mouth."I might not be a drinker but that's good stuff.",Grell said as he grabbed the flask."I got more if you want any.",I said as I grabbed Grell's hand and started walking to the abandoned building.On the shelves was tons of alcohol selections."Red wine.",I said as I grabbed Two bottles and handed one to Grell."Drink up.",I said as I chugged my bottle.Grell stared in amazement."How did yo-",Grell tried to say."Less talk more drink.",I started to slur as I poured wine in Grell's mouth.I passed out with wine all over my chest.

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