I started to dose off on William's chest.He hugged me.I knew I was going to sleep in comfort tonight.I curled myself into a little ball.In the morning,I could hear the chatter of everyone talking."What's the commotion?",I said sleepily.William woke up and pushed his glasses up."I don't know.",William said.I got up and stretched.I cracked the door and the whole staff was behind the door.I quickly shut the door and shut the blinds."William do you remember when we were just recruited?",I asked."Of course,you were the only girl in the class.I remember asking you to study with me every day.",William said as he stood up."I remember our first mission,I was partners with Ronald,My brother got partnered up with you.",I said as I sat down on the desk."He was quite a ticking time bomb.",William said."I saw the records of that young man that tried to take over your body.It made me so upset that I thought I would never have the same William I know today.",I said.William walked over to me and picked me up bridal style.He lay me on the couch.He sat down next to me.I lay up and lay against him,smiling."You know we will have to get out of this office soon.",William said.I just kissed him and nodded."You know I'm not very open to my feelings like my brother is right.Im just very shy about that kind of stuff.",I said as I grabbed William's hand."So gentle so delicate.",William thought.I heard a knock on the door."I'll get it.",William said as he got up.He opened the door.It was Ronald."What do you want?",William said annoyed."Just seeing how you two a-",Ronald tried to say as he chokes on his words.I glare at him in rage and grab the stapler."DONT TRY ME PARTY BOY!",I yelled as I threw the stapler at Ronald.He fell back."Do you have any suits anywhere?",I said as I tried to cover myself up."William opened his closet and had a suit for me.I grabbed it and changed."This suit is huge.",I said as I tried to fit myself in.William handed me a comb.I comb
through my hair.I walked out of the office into my own in a hurry.How long did she last?",Ronald asked.William just rolled his eyes and hit him.He walked back into his office to continue his work.
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.