Suspencion or forced love

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"Give me your flask rose.",William commanded as he put his hand out."Over my dead body.",I shouted as I stood up from my chair."Damn rose don't wanna give up alcohol.",Ronald said.I looked at Ronald and grabbed his coat."Shut your goddamn mouth party boy.",I said as I threw him on the ground.Grell's eyes were wide as he sit in his chair."Rose I can take a more dangerous precaution.",William said."Bullsh-",I tried to say.William pushed me to the ground and pepper sprayed me.I rubbed my eyes in pain.I screamed in pain."WHAT THE HELL!",I yelled as I got back up.William slapped me in the face."ROSE!", Grell shouted as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up."Boss don't you think this is a little too far.",Ronald asked,"I mean she is the twin to this nut job.",he said as he pointed to Grell.William pushed his glasses up."Both of your have six months no field work.",William said to both of us.My eyes were wide in anger."Grell,Ronald could you step outside for a moment?",William asked.Both of them walked outside and shut the door."William what are you doing?",I asked."I can get you out of your suspension of field work u have to do something for me.",William said as he grabbed my hand."Ok what.",I said as I jerked my hand back.William took his coat off and threw it on the floor and unbuttoned his shirt."Oh hell no I'll just take my suspension.",I said as I walked out the door.Ronald and my brother followed behind me."What did he want?",Ronald asked."What my brother wants the most.",I whispered in his ear.Ronald's eyes were wide.He gagged."I know.",I said,"I better get started on my work see ya.",I said as I walked to my office.

If anyone knows what rose wears it's this:

If anyone knows what rose wears it's this:

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While working

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While working

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

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A withering rose Where stories live. Discover now