Blood was almost spilled

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I was working on paperwork with Ivy sleeping on my lap.I hear Ronald and Sora laughing."She's such a bitch.",I thought to myself."Rose can I asked you something.",William asked as he walked in my office."What is it?",I said in my chair."Can you meet me at the French cafe after work?",William asked as he pushed up his glasses."Ok sure.",I said while blushing.(Time skip) (skim to bottom to see accessories)

"Oh god I'm so nervous.",I said to myself while looking in the mirror.Wearing your dress made you feel weird inside.You walked in the cafe and saw William.He pulled out your chair and pushed you in."My such a gentleman.",I giggled.Ronald and Sora walked in but I pretended I didn't notice."Rose you look fetching tonight.",William said as he grabbed your hand.I  smiled for the first time since that day.William was too."So who recruited the new girl?",I asked William."To my surprise it was Ronald.I don't know why.",William replied."Interesting.",I thought to myself.I felt an itch for murder."No no no not now.",I thought to myself."Rose what's wrong?",William asked frantically.My hands were shaking as well as my whole body.I just smiled a crooked smile."You know I'll never be the same.I have to be my twin's sister.",I said out loud."And it starts with you.",I said as I pointed to Sora."What have I done to make you hate me so much?",Sora asked while standing up."You show up unexpectedly with a happy attitude and Immediately hit on Ronald like you know each other.Thats not normal EVEN FOR A LITTLE DEMON LIKE YOU!",I yelled as I stood up.William and Ronald's expressions were blank."WELL GUESS WHAT ROSEMARY YOUR A SLUTTY LITTLE BITCH THAT GETS YOU ANY MAN YOU WANT!",Sora yelled at me.I walked up to her and punched her.I grabbed her hair and dragged her outside to the alleyway.I took my flask out and drank from it.My scythe appeared and I revved it."Your screams are helpless.",I said with a smirk."ROSE NO!",Ronald yelled as he pushed you down."DONT TEST ME PARTY BOY!",I yelled as I cackled."I AM THE MOST CRAZY GIRL IN THE WO-",I said as I was knocked out."What has she done now.",Grell said as he picked you up."I can't really explain,just keep her away from Sora.",Ronald said.Grell nodded and walked off while carrying me into the darkness of the alleyway.

Grell nodded and walked off while carrying me into the darkness of the alleyway

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