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"Yes my lord.",Sebastian said.I got my flask out and drunk from it."Sister don't.", Grell said."Too late.",I said.I ran towards Sebastian in a rage.Sebastian jumped and grabbed me."Sebastian let's play tag.Im it.",I whispered."Oh my sister, a game sounds fun.", Grell said as he revved up his scythe and ran towards Sebastian.I punched Sebastian and backflip."Fine then Rosemary.",Sebastian said.I stopped and glared at him.I giggled and ran to him with my brother striking.Sebastian jumping backwards after every strike."Are you scared of us Sebastian?",I asked as I struck from behind.Sebastian jumped on the roof."Very well...",I said as my brother and I jumped on the roof.Sebastian threw butter knifes at our stomachs."You think your knives hurt us.",my brother and I said at the same time as we pulled out the knives from our stomachs.Sebastian took off his coat.I was confused."What the hell...",I thought.Sebastian wasn't there."It was just a distraction my little rose petal.",Sebastian said behind me."WHAA..",Grell shrieked as he tried to pull Sebastian's coat from the blade.I took out the flask and opened it."Have a drink..",I said as I poured the alcohol on Sebastian's face.I ran and grabbed my brother."Come on!",I said as I tried to run.Sebastian walked to both of us and picked us up.I was flailing my arms.He threw both of us down the roof.We both hit the hard cobblestone."Ow...",my brother and I said."I think I have seen enough..",a voice said."Oh shit it's William...",I thought to my self.William jumped down and knocked both of us out."I will be taking these two..they will have serious consequences when they wake up.",William said to Sebastian as he picked up me and dragged Grell by the hair.

For all my William and Sebastian fans:

And yes you may ship.....

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