My eyes woke up to a blood soaked floor.I stood up and sniffed the aura."Just like the old days....I smell you Claude.",I said.A tall shadow figure walked towards me with golden eyes.Spiders came from the ceiling.I put my hand out and one landed in my hand."A black know me so well.",I said as I smirked."Anything for you My temptress.",Claude said as he bowed and grabbed your hand and smirked."But My brother.", I said as I put my head down."Where's the psychopath i know.",Claude said as he brushed part of my hair from out of my face.I giggled and laughed.I laughed like my inner freak.....a psychopath.My eyes turned black as blood tears started to form.I ripped my dress and grabbed my nearest knife.William slowly walked in and smiled."Your a psychopath too.",William said as he took off his shirt.I started to blush and walked towards him."Maybe we can be psychopaths together.",I said as I pecked his cheek.William grabbed my waist and kissed me."Back away from her.",Claude snarled as his eyes glowed pink.William picked me up and ran.(The ripped up dress is below)
"William let go of my sister.", Grell said in a menacing tone.I dropped to the floor and walked towards my brother.I punched him in the face.I walked past Grell in a psychotic way.He grabbed my hair and pulled me down."This is the wrong night to mess with me.",I said as I grabbed Grell's arm and put the knife to his neck.Grell smirked and said,"Go ahead and do it."I let him go and threw the knife.I fell to tears and loud sobs."WHY WAS I MADE THIS WAY!",I yelled as I grabbed my head.Grell hugged me in comfort."I was made this way too.", Grell said as tears ran down his face,"No one can change us....."
Can anyone guess the character up top?Put your guesses in the comments(Fun fact she is my FAVE female anime character)
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was they serve as grim reapers.