A feind

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I put my suit on and put a black collar on Ivy.Ivy yipped and ran out the door.I refilled my flask and ran out the door.I hummed to my self as I walked to my personal hell.I heard exited chatter.A girl with grey hair.Her eye colors were different."HI!!",the girl said as she ran to hug me.I kicked her in the stomach as she ran towards me."Ow that hurt.",the girl said as she fell to her knees and clenched her stomach."Rose,what the hell.",Ronald said as he helped her up.Ivy growled at the girl."Good call Ivy.",I said to her as I scratched behind her fluffy ears."I am Sora winter wood and I am the new recruit.",Sora said as she introduced herself."Rosemary sutcliff,You can call me rose if you prefer.My twin is Grell Sutcliff you will see him soon.",I introduce.Sora was confused."Did I stutter?",I growled as I clenched my fist."No I just-",Sora said as Grell ran into my office."SISTER-CHAN!",Grell yelled as he hugged me.I just stood still.Sora snickered."Who is this little girl.",Grell asked as he pointed to Sora.I smirked at her and walked away with Ivy following behind."Your afraid aren't you.",Sora yelled.I stopped and clenched my fist."I don't think you should test me.After all,you are a bloody half demon A CREATURE TO SERVE A PURPOSE!",I yelled back in rage.Sora had tears in her eyes as she ran to Ronald's office."Bravo Rose I had felt the same way about her.",William said behind me."I guess you want me to put on the cat outfit again don't you?",I said as I smirked with my tongue out.William's face turned red instantly as he covered his nose and nodded no.It was obvious blood was running from it.I just snickered and picked up Ivy."I guess I should get some paperwork done.",I said as I booped William on the nose and sighed.I put down Ivy and walked to my office.

A withering rose Where stories live. Discover now