(Dress I wear is above.I have the same lace up heels). Claude make me fully demon.",I said."Claude looked at me in shock.Are you sure you want to do this.",Claude said as he propped me on the wall."Just eat my goddamn soul already.Claude placed his lips on mine and ate the rest of my soul.I passed out.My hair changed to crimson red,the color of blood.My eye color stayed the same as the red pentagram.I hid my eye by putting my hair in front like undertaker.I woke up and saw my pentagram on my chest and my right hand"I am now Rosemary.",I said,"Not Rose."Claude stood back in amazement.My nails were long and black."Claude!Where a-",Alois said,"Who is that hussy?"I looked at him and my eyes glowed pink."Rosemary.",I growled."I'm sorry.",Alois said,"Don't kill me."I chuckled and just patted his head,"I won't.Now I'm gonna make my brother like me.",I said as I walked out of the room.I see my brother in an alleyway."Brother do you want to become a demon like me?",I said as I grabbed his arms."W-What are you talking about?", Grell said fearful as he pushed me away."I guess not.",I said as I pulled out butter knives."Just like Sebastian.", Grell said as he got his scythe.I jumped in the air and threw the knives.One knife hit him in the chest."You think this hurts.",Grell said as he pulled out the knife.I giggled and landed on the roof."Where do you think YOUR going?!?",Grell said as he jumped onto the roof.I kicked him in the stomach."Just a diversion.",I said as I ran demon speed to the undertaker's shop.I could hear giggling."What are you laughing about old man?",I said as I walked towards the coffins."How sexy you choose not to be when your around me.",A voice said in the coffin."That wasn't me.",Undertaker said.I opened the coffin and saw William with a black rose in his mouth and his shirt unbuttoned."What are you doing?",I said as I took the Rose from his mouth."You two kids come back here.",Undertaker said as he motioned William and I to go into a room with a coffin closed and laying down.I walked in and William sat on the coffin."I need some entertainment.Will you do the honors?", William said lustfully as he patted his lap and smirked.I sat on his lap and lifted my leg up to take off my heels."Sis!Where Are you?!",Grell yelled as he entered the shop."God Damn it.We will continue this later.",I said as I got up and put my heels back on.I opened the door and walked out."I'm right here.",I said upset as I crossed my arms."Let me see your hand.", Grell said as he grabbed my right arm.He slipped my glove off my bony fingers,revealing a pentagram and black nails."You can't be serious.",Grell said as he let go of my hand.William saw my hand and my eye."Who did this to you?", William said as he pushed back my hair,showing my pentagram eye."Why would you want to know?",I said."That son of a bitch!",Grell said as he ran out of the shop."Isn't that crazy!",Undertaker said as he laid upside down,"Now you two continue what you were doing."I nodded no and said,"I'm not in the mood."Undertaker pulled out a bottle of champagne."Where are the glasses?",I said as I grabbed the bottle."Oops.",Undertaker said laughing.I popped the cork off the bottle and took a drink.William grabbed the bottle and put his hand on my shoulder.I put my hand on his and grabbed the bottle."Ask me for it pretty boy.",I said as I stuck my tongue out."May I have a drink please?",William pleaded.I put the bottle in his mouth."There.",I said,"Good boy."William
Glared lustfully at me."I'm a good boy am I.What about you?", William said."Follow me.",I said as I started walking to William's office.We walked into his office and I closed the door."Sit in the chair.",I said.William sat in the chair.I sat on the desk and snapped a button or two off my dress.I lifted my leg up again to unlace my heels."Now where were we.",I said as I started nibbling on his neck.William pushed my hair back and snapped another button off my dress."William I got that stack of paper you-OHH MY GOD YOUR BUSTED!",Ronald yelled as he dropped a stack of paperwork,"You giving him a little strip tease?"I leaned up and got off the desk."Wouldn't you like to know party boy.",I said as I pushed him and slammed the door.I laid on the couch to close my eyes and think...
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.