I fell asleep in my office chair.My hair a mess and my lipstick removed.My boots weren't on me."William..",I said sleepily.I got up and walked into his office.I saw him asleep on the couch.I pounced on him and nibbled his neck.William woke up and looked at me.I just smiled and put my lips on his."Just go with the flow...",I said.He just smirked.I unbuttoned his shirt and started kissing his chest."William's gettin laid.", Ronald said as he smirked.I looked at Ronald and then sat up."GOD DAMN IT RONALD!",William yelled.Ronald just walked out."Now where where we?",I said seductive.
(A few hours later.)
I lay asleep.I felt cold."Wake up.",William said as he put on his glasses."Why isn't your hair slicked back.William just looked at me with his face all the way red.I did the same as I looked at him.I grabbed my dress and draped it over my body.I grabbed my stomach."Ow...",I said in pain."Are you ok my love.",William said as he cupped my face."I'm fine.",I said without hesitation.I got up and put my corset on.I tossed William his pants.I put on my dress and sat on the desk."What are we gonna do?",I asked."I don't know.",William said as he buttoned up his shirt and put on his coat.Someone knocked the door and it was Grell."Sister,Why are you so sweaty?",Grell asked as he felt my forehead.I flailed my arms and fell off the desk."I'm gonna kill you!",Grell yelled as he tries to strangle William.I jumped on Willam."No.",I said angrily."If you get her pregnant I swear..",Grell growled as he walked out of the office.I started throwing up blood."Rose!",William said as he grabbed me and layed me on the couch.Blood splattered from my mouth."RONALD!",William yelled as he grabbed my hand.Ronald ran into the office with a terrified expression on his face."Did you do her too hard mr Spears?",he asked."Now is not the time.",William said bluntly.Grell ran into the office and saw me.He pushed William and sat beside me."B-Brother...",I stuttered as I reached out."Yes it's me sister.",Grell said as he grabbed my hand.Tears were rolling down his eyes.I jumped and whispered "008"."What?!",Grell and William said in unison."Its her number...mines 005.",Ronald said as he showed his wrist and mine."No...I WONT BELIEVE SHE WAS AN ASSASSIN!",William yelled as he picked me up.I started giggling and manically laughing.I climbed on his shoulders and grabbed a knife.William threw me down.I hissed and jumped on him with the blade in my mouth.I growled and forced him down."For a tiny woman,she's strong.",William said as he fought me.Ronald pulled my hair and yanked me down.I painted and just laid there.I stood up and tried to walk out of the office."Why didn't you tell me you were an assassin?!", Grell yelled at me."I didn't want to be noticed as a freak.",I said as tears dropped from my eyes."Rose-",William said as he tried to reach out for my arm.I just slammed the door in anger.I walked to my office and sat in my chair."You ok.", Ronald said as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my face."What are you doing party boy?",I asked as I slightly smiled.Ronald just grabbed my hand."R-Ronald?",I questioned as my face started shading pink."You don't know how long I've wanted to do this...",Ronald said."Wh-",I said.Ronald put his lips on mine passionately.I froze.I didn't know what to do.William walked in.I looked at him with puppy eyes."Knox,what are you doing?!",William asked as he balled his fist.Ronald just stood there.I got up and wipes my mouth."Rosemary...why?",Willam asked with sadness in his tone."I didn't know what to do...",I said as a tear rolled down my face and I walked away In shame.
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.