The fox speaks

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I was hiding in the dark.The stain of tears were on my face.I heard heels."What do you want brother?", I said as I looked down."Its not your brother it's Sora.",the feminine voice said to me as she helped me up."Sora,I'm so sorry.",I said as I hugged her."Your brother really loves you ya know.But not in the friendly brother\sister way.",Sora said to me.I backed away from her with a puzzled look."That's why he's jealous of William.",she explained.I just held my stomach."SISTER!",Grell yelled from the distance.Sora turned into a fox and hid behind a box.He appeared in front of me."Hello bro-",I tried to say.He pinned me on the wall.He grabbed my chin and forced me to look in his eyes."W-What are y-you d-doing?!?",I asked as I tried to move."It makes me jealous that you go sleep with William and not me first.",he said in a seductive tone."Are you crazy?!?",I said while hyperventilating."Crazy for you...",Grell said as he violently kissed me.After he released,I could feel a bruise on my mouth.My eyes were wide in fear.He pushed my hair out of my face.I just stood there.Grell started kissing down my collarbone.My hands were free of grip.I started falling.Grell caught me and picked me up bridal style."One we get home,your going to show me that magnificent body of yours.",Grell said lustfully as he walked to William's office.I pretend to sleep."Oh dear young sister,don't fall asleep yet,the fun hasn't even started.",Grell said as he lay my body on the couch.He unbuttoned my dress.I instantly felt the blast of cold hitting my chest.He sat on top of me and forced my corset off."GRELL!WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!",William yelled."Having a moment with my sister...",Grell yelled.I woke up.Grell kept pinning me down."Your not going anywhere until I'm through with you...",Grell said as he but my neck gently.A small little moan escaped my mouth.William pushed Grell off me and picked me up."You must have already given her bruises on her mouth.",William said as he examined my body for any marks."Stop looking at my body.",I said sternly as I covered my chest with my arms."Give her back...",Grell said as he grabbed my leg.I kicked my legs,but it was no use.I fell to the floor,pretending to knock myself out.Grell knocked out William and grabbed me and layed me on the couch.I held a secret knife under my sleeve.He tried to take off my dress.I yelled and stabbed him in the gut.I turned around and grabbed the lamp and smashed it over his head.I dragged his bleeding body into my office.I got the bandages and wrapped them around his head.I walked back into William's office.He was still knocked out on the floor.I lay near him with my head resting on his arm."Please don't die.",I whispered."Your the only thing that's left in the world that's meaningful."

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