"Why the hell were you spying.",I said as I put my hands on my hips."Uh..",Grell said as he stuttered.William looked at him in disgust.I snatched the camera and looked at the film."YOU TOOK A PICTURE OF ME SLEEPING!",I yelled."Your cute when you sleep.", Grell said creepily.I slapped him in the face."OW WHAT THE HELL!", Grell yelled as he rubbed his cheek.My left eye was glowing red.I started screaming and laughing."I'm a little girl am I,well you will see how dangerous I can really be.",I yelled as I ran out of the office."Sweetheart you can't beat me or should I call you Bloodyback Mistress.",Midnight said behind me as her knife was pointed at my throat.I punched her in the face and grabbed the knife in the air."Let's take this outside.",I said psychotically as I dragged her down the hall by her black hair.I threw her outside and I jumped and threw the knife in her stomach.Ronald was outside."CAT FIGHT!",he yelled.Midnight saw him and ran to him."SLUT!!!",I yelled as I grabbed her hair and pulled her down,"GO BACK TO SEBASTIAN BITCH!"I heard a cat meow.Thats when I had an idea.I picked up the cat by the scruff of its neck and held a knife to its throat.I heard growling and after that I fell to the floor with the cat landing on its feet."Sebastian,take your whore and leave.",I said as I cracked my knuckles."Excuse me.At least I don't sleep with a guy just a day after meeting him.",Midnight said as she put her hands on her hips.Sebastian's eyes were glowing pink and he took off his glove.My eyes were glowing as my teeth were sharp and I took my glove."What are the two demons doing here.Theres no souls for you here.",William said as he got out his death scythe.I frontfliped and grabbed Sebastian and drew a knife to his jaw.Midnight walked to William and grabbed his scythe and put the blade to his heart.William grabbed the scythe and drove it through midnight's stomach."WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH FOR!",I yelled as I smirked.Midnight kept screaming in pain and then she passed out in her own pool of blood.My eyes were glowing oink as the smell of blood was starting to get me.I walked over to the body and fell in the blood.The scythe and my face were covered in blood.I stood up with the scythe in my hand."Why is this scythe so heavy?",I said as I tried not to drop it.William came over to me and picked up His scythe."I have a question...",William said as we both walked inside."Ask away.",I said."Why did that woman call you bloodyback Mistress?",William asked."You know Jack the Ripper was a nickname for a serial killer as my brother was called,That's my nickname for disguise.No one could figure out who I was.I didn't just kill women,I killed anyone I could stick my knife into their skull.Then I'd find ways to make more scars on the bodies.",I said psychotic.William looked at me in fear."I-I-I'm sorry.",I stuttered as I put my arms behind my back."I-Its ok.",William said.He put his hands on my shoulders.I started tearing up."I don't know how you could love a psycho like me.",I said silently as I put my arms down to my side.William just wiped away my tears and kissed me.But not like the other times,it was more passionate.He released and I stood there in shock."Usually it's me.",I said shyly."Well it's me..surprising isn't it.",William said as he grabbed my hands.I stood there blushing.William and I walked back into his office.I laid on the couch and closed my eyes to think.William sat next to me.I sat up and laid my head down on his chest and just smiled shyly.He put his arm around me and went to sleep.Once again,I closed my eyes to think about my future with William...
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.