I woke up on a bed.I only had on a white button up shirt.I saw spiderwebs on the ceiling and I smiled."I know what will get him out.",I said as I grabbed a razor.I cut my finger tip."Oh my I must have cut myself.",I said innocently as blood dripped onto my legs.A dark figure with golden eyes stared at me."Claude.",I said.Claude rushed up to me and grabbed my hand.He put my finger in his mouth and sucked the blood."Weirdo.",I said as I drew my hand back.I got up and stretched."So how's the brat been?",I said as walked into the closet to find something to wear."Blood-I mean...",Claude stutters."Don't make me do it.",I said."W-What are you talking about.",Claude said suspicious.I grabbed a wet rag and wiped the blood off of my legs.I threw the rag at him.Claude just grabbed the rag and smelled it."Do you have anything for me to wear?",I said."I have something Wait a minute..",Claude said as he walked out of the room.He came back with a little black dress and a black ribbon to tie around my neck.I grabbed the dress and went into the closet.I walked out and looked at myself."Isn't this dress a little revealing.",I said looking at my chest.Claude looked at me and started blushing."No.",Claude said.He ties the ribbon around my neck.I found some black heel boots.I put them on."Claude is there a hair brush anywhere.",I asked.Claude opened the drawer.I grabbed the hairbrush and started brushing.I walked out of the room."WOAH!",Alois said."What is it?",I said as I looked at him."Claude picked that dress didn't he.I figured because of your chest.",Alois said smirking."Dumbass...",I said as I walked down the stairs and into the garden."Hello miss.",the triplets said."Hello to you three too.",I said smiling."Your tits are huge miss.",the first one said as he stared at me in amazement."Even bigger than Hannahs."I started blushing and walked away.I sighed and walked inside.I walked into alois' office and grabbed the book "Romeo and Juliet".I sat on the stairs and started reading."Whatch reading toots?",Alois said as he snatches the book away from me."Romeo and Juliet?Why such a romantic book?",Alois said as he dangled the book off the staircase.I got up and snatched the book from midair."Are you thinking about someone?",Alois asked teasingly."No...well.",I said."Is of your nutjob of a brother or that uptight manager.",Alois asked as he sat down near me."William.",I said softly,"Do you have a violin?"Alois nodded yes.I got up and saw a piano.I sat on the chair and felt the keys.I started playing fur Elise.The notes started getting lower.Claude and the triplets walked In and saw me in amazement.I finish playing."Where did you learn to play like that.",Claude asked."My father taught me a long time ago.",I said as I felt the keys."Claude,hand Rose the violin",Alois said.Claude walked off and grabbed the violin.I took it and propped it the correct way.I tuned the instrument and started playing "Dance macabre".Someone knocked on the door.One of the triplets answered it.William walked in and saw me playing.I started humming to myself."Rose-I didn't know you could play violin.",William said in amazement.I stopped playing."Claude,hand me a shotgun and William set up a wine glass with whiskey...",I said blankly.Claude handed me the shotgun and William set the glass down from far away.I pushed my parted hair from the left side of my face.My eye was glowing red like a demon.I shot the gun and the glass shattered.I started laughing insanely."Oh no...",Claude said.My laughter started becoming more distorted.I started floating from the floor upside down."WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER?!?",William shouted.Black tears fell from from my face into the floor."She's not a reaper...she's a demon mix.",Claude said.William started tearing up.I smiled insanely showing my sharp teeth.My hair started floating up.I dropped to the floor.My hair covered my face.I got up and my eye didn't go back to its original color,it stayed as a red pentagram.I covered my left eye with my hair.William ran to me and hugged me tightly.His tear fell down to my cheek.William grabbed my chin and kissed me.I turned around and threw up black goop.A pentagram appeared on my right hand.I grabbed some black gloves and ran demon speed to an abandoned building to be alone...
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.