Certain alcohol for certain people

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I woke up with a huge headache and at least three bottles of red wine next to me."Woah massive hangover.",I thought to myself.I looked around at the scattered bottles across the floor.I picked up a bottle and read the label."whiskey?",I said,"I don't drink whiskey."I walked around and to my surprise,it was William,sleeping drunk with a bottle of whiskey in his hand and my brother sleeping with a bottle of red wine in his hand."Friggin idiot.",I said as I stared at my brother."Rose...",William slept talked while his legs twitched.He raised his arms in the air and started caressing the air.I broke out into laughter."Rose!",William yelled startled.I still was laughing.William just looked at me confused and pushed his glasses up.I crawled over to him and whispered what he had did when he was asleep.He turned away with a red face.I just smiled.Grell woke up with wine in his hand."William?",Grell asked confused,"Why is there whiskey and wine bottles everywhere?"I just stared at him and glared."What Time is it?",William said as he rubbed his temples.I looked outside at the big clock tower."OH SHIT ITS ELEVEN THIRTY!",I yelled as I put my boots on.William rushed to get ready as he slicked back his hair.Grell ran to get his heels on.I grabbed Williams hand and ran out the door.William being jerked forward,he ran and grabbed my hand tighter.I squeaked and smiled.We arrived at work and busted in the door.Both of us fell."Nice job hooking up you two.",Ronald said as he smiled.My face was red and I waved my arms."Your an idiot Knox.",William said as he got up and offered me his hand.Grell burst in the door with his hair a mess."Sister, how the HELL do you run so fast?!", Grell said out of breath.I grabbed Williams hand and got up."Well this was a fun little get together,but I have work to do.",I said as I walked to my office and shut the door."Your a lucky man boss.",Ronald said as he placed his hand on William's shoulder.William glared and took Ronald's hand off him."Shes not mine......yet.",William said as smiled shyly.I looked through my window and I heard him and saw him smiling.Blushing,I got back to work.Ronald looked at him in awe."That's sweet boss I'll help you out.",Ronald said."As much as I hate you for saying that I'll tell you what she likes.",Grell said as he folded his arms.William walked to his office and shut the door.

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