(Three months later)
"Ugh so boring.",I said in my office while sitting down working.I took my flask and drank from it.I lay my head down on my desk."Stupid William with his hair slicked back and his-",I tried to say as i heard a knock on my door."Rose likes William,Rose likes William.",Ronald teased as he sat down next to me."Shut up.",I said with a little blush on my face."You know it's true.",Ronald said while poking my arm."His body is so...",I said while I smiled and blushed,"Damn it."William walked in with a slight blush on his face."You really think that about me rose?",William asked,"Well I can return the favor."I stood up and looked at him.He grabbed my hand."So pale and your hair is so long and red.",William said as he caressed my hair.Now I was seriously blushing."Um William?",I asked.William realized what he was doing and walked back."In sorry Rose,I don't know what came over me.",William said." We think it was love.",Ronald and Grell said at the same time.William and I both looked at both of them."Brother why-",I tried to say.A soft pair of lips were on mine.I didn't know what to do.William broke away."Was that you?",I said to William overreacting.I was trying to grab my flask, but William held me back."Ronald what the hell just happened?",I asked while trying to grab my flask."I think your overeating sister.",Grell said angrily.I fake fell and grabbed my flask."There's no more alcohol.",I said as I ran at demon speed out of my office." Grell are you jealous of your sister?",Ronald asked."I'm just trying to protect my sister.You wouldn't understand.", Grell said while putting his head down.Ronald nodded his head."Where did William go?",Ronald asked.Grell was wide eyed and grabbed Ronald and ran to Williams office."THAT SON OF A BITCH WENT FOR MY SISTER!", Grell yelled as he ran out of the building to find Rose....
A withering rose
FanfictionTwo twins committed suicide after their mother was murdered...now they serve as grim reapers.