Assassins meet

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I was in my office reading a book.Ive always been interested in books.Its like my own personal world.I heard a knock on my door and shut my book."Hey Rose,I was wondering something...can you sing?", William asked."I haven't sung in a long time.",I said."I would like to hear you sing.",William mumbled under his breath.I giggled."Ok...",I said."Are you fixing to sing?",Grell said as he walked into my office.I blushed and nodded.I cleared my throat.I heard commotion outside.I opened my drawer and grabbed my two handguns.I stuck them on the straps on my thighs.I walked out of the office.I saw Sebastian."What are YOU doing here?",I scowled."I'm on an investigation for my master wi-",Sebastian tried to say as a girl came from behind him."Who is that another creature like you?",I asked."At least I'm not like a slut,unlike you sweetheart.",the girl replied back."What's your name.",I said snarling."Midnight.",she said as she rested her hand on her hip."Are you two going out?",I asked as I pulled out my handgun."How would you like a bullet through both of you heads?",I asked as I pointed both guns at their heads.Sebastian smirked and pulled out his butter knives."Rose..",Willam said as he put his hand on my shoulder."You need to put your dog on a leash Spears.",Sebastian said as he pointed to me."I could say the same to you mechalis.",William said.Midnight went up to him and slapped William."BITCH!",I said as I shot my gun straight in between her eyes.I knew she wasn't gonna die.She was a filthy demon.I pecked William on the cheek and smiled.I Jumped in the air and flipped over Sebastian with my gun loaded and pointed to his head."Make one wrong move and your ending up like her.",I growled."Well for you I harm your hubby or your crazy twin.",Sebastian whispered in my ear.I pulled the trigger and blood splashed on my face.I giggled and then started laughing.I put my hand on my face and licked the blood off of my hand."Its like personal wine.",I thought to myself.I skipped over to William with a smile on my face.Midnight woke up and coughed up the bullet."You got a nice rack,how long did it take you to grab on to him?",Midnight said as she smirked and pointed to William."Why does it matter lesbo?",I said back.Midnight just stared at me.I grabbed William's arm and walked into the building."SIS,WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!",Grell yelled at me."Shit...",I thought as I walked into the bathroom.I washed my face.I looked into the mirror,only I didn't see myself.I saw my past,an assassin."Mistress 008...",the reflection said to me."What?",I said."You know you want to kill people again just like old times.",the reflection said."I have a perfectly balanced life with my brother and the man I love.",I said avoiding eye contact."That man haven't even seen you naked yet and you know you want to assassinate random people on the street.",my reflection said."Disgusting.",I said as I rolled my eyes.I sighed and said ok.I walked out of the bathroom and into my office.At the end of the day I ran home and grabbed my clothes and changed into them.I put the straps on my thighs and put my guns in each one.I put on my boots and jumped on top of a roof(the dress is above the boots are below).My eyes has lost its color.I saw a woman and her young daughter on the street.I pulled out my guns and shot the woman first."MOMMY!",the young girl cried.I shot the young girl in the head.The look of terror still in her face.I looked in an alleyway and saw a gang.I grabbed my secret knives and jumped down."Oh boys.",I said."Hello tits.",the leader said as a smirk rolled into his face.I ran towards him sticking my knife in his neck.The rest of the members surrounded me.I stabbed them all in the head,just watching the blood flow.I saw a wine glass and grabbed it."I picked up one of the bodies to let the blood flow in the glass.I dropped the body and giggled."Rose?",Ronald said behind me.I aimed a knife at his head."Does Grell know?",Ronald asked."No and it's gonna stay like that.",I growled.I scowled as I jumped on the roof.Ronald followed."What was your name.",Ronald asked."Mistress 008.",I said as I showed him the imprint 008 on my wrist."Mr killjoy 005.",Ronald said as he showed me his wrist.I gave Ronald the wine glass and ran off...

I gave Ronald the wine glass and ran off

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