Brotherly love

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I couldn't see anything."Hello.",I said as I struggled to break free of the ropes."My little kitty.",a voice said as footsteps came closer."W-William is that you?",I said with a Tear rolling down my face.William untied the blindfold.I looked down and I wasn't wearing my suit."Why do I look like a slutty cat?",I asked while looking at William."Not yet my kitten.",William smirked as he put a pair of cat ears on top of my head."Please help me.",I whispered and collapsed."SISTER!",Grell said while trying to break the door down."HEL-",I yelled.William cuffed my mouth and started kissing my neck.I kicked in defense as I screamed.The door finally let loose and my brother and Ronald ran inside."William what the hell.",Ronald said as he looked away.Grell balled his fist in rage."No one touches my sister.",he screamed as he jumped on William and tried to hit him.William had him pinned down.Ronald took off his coat and cut the ropes off me.I stood up and grabbed my brother and dragged him away.I ran towards William and pinned him down.You punched William until he couldn't see.I grabbed my "jack the ripper.", outfit and changed into it."Much better.",I said as I walked away.William groaned and moaned in pain.Ronald just stood there in shock and picked up Rose's flask."Why is this so important to her?",Ronald asked himself."It was our mother's flask.Rose uses it to disguise her scythe.",Grell said as he got up and took the flask,"If anyone tries to touch her or do anything with her again I will kill them."Ronald looked at Grell in fear."Grell when did you start to get overprotective ?",Ronald asked.Grell just walked away as he clenched onto the flask and laughed,"I'll KILL EVERY BLOODY BASTARD TO PROTECT MY SISTER!"

This is what she wore when she was captive:

This is what she wore when she was captive:

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