Chapter 1

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Astrid's P.O.V.

"Whoo...!" I scream out the window as I speed down the street, my friends cheering from the back seat. I was doing 50 in a 25 and I didn't care at all. Everyone in the car laughs as the familiar blaring of police sirens sounds behind us, followed by the flashing of red and blue lights.

"Ooh, you're in trouble now, Ast!" my friend, Criss, cheers as she leans up from the back seat.

"Not if I can help it!" I shout before speeding up and skidding around a corner.

"You know they have your plate numbers right?" Joe says from the passengers seat, leaning his head against the window as he stared ahead blankly. My shoulders slump and I look at him in annoyance.

"You just had to ruin my fun didn't you?" I ask before I see that the cop car was riding almost on my tail. A smirk appears on my face and I slam the break, making them do the same but not fast enough to keep them from rear-ending me. The air bags go off and we skid into an intersection, stopping traffic. My friends stifle their laughter as I tell them to "leave it to me" and get out of the car.

"Hey!" I shout as the policemen get out of their own car, holding their heads in pain, "What is your problem?! I slow down for you, about to let you give me a ticket, and then you total my car?! What the heck?! I have half a mind to sue you!"

Time skip

Astrid's dad opened the door to their house to see his daughter with crossed arms, a policeman at her shoulder. "Thank you officer," he grumbled as Astrid stormed into the living room and flopped down on the couch. "Pack your things," he orders and she gets up again before doing as he said. He for some reason helps her get her stuff into the truck and then they were off. They lived in Outcast City, but her dad was taking her out of town.

Astrid's P.O.V.

Where were we going? That was the question on my mind. His stuff wasn't in the car so that made me even more suspicious. I open the glove compartment for a Kleenex and sigh at what greets my eyes. I pull out the plastic bag of white powder and hold it up to my dad.

"Really dad?" I ask and he glances at me.

"It's powdered sugar," he growls and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, and I'm the mayor of Berk," I say sarcastically before throwing it out the window.

"Hey! Don't do that!" he screams but it was too late. I close the window and he shoves my head into it, making a cracking sound hit my ears. I hold in a cry of pain and look at the window to see it cracked like a golf ball hit it. I hold my head as his voice blares in my ears. "Speaking of Berk. We're here," he says as we pull into the biggest town of our country. 

"What are we doing here?" I muscle out as pain slowly spread across my head and then ebbed.

"You are moving here. I'm paying for the first month of rent on your apartment, you have 'till then to get on your feet," he says, as if he had no heart in his hollow chest.

"A month? Fine, just as long as I get away from your drugs and lies," I say with a shrug and his grip on the wheel tightens, turning his knuckles white. We stop at a red light and a group of teenagers, around my age, walks across the street, a few of them pausing to look at my father and me. Among them was an auburn haired boy with forest green eyes. He wore a smirk as he exchanged words with a black haired boy next to him, neither of them taking their eyes from us. They continue to the other side of the street and my dad drives to an apartment building. We finish the paper work in my name and start to get me moved in. 

Time skip

"Isn't this against the law? I'm only 17," I say as my dad walks for the door of my new apartment.

"Not if I have a say in it," he says as he walks out. I follow him and watch him walk down the hall to the stairs, glad when he didn't look back. I go back inside and slam the door closed before looking around my new home, one word on my mind. Freedom. It was an expensive place, 400 a month. Two bedroom, one living room, one bathroom, and a kitchen. I go to my room and start to assemble my bed when a knocking sounds at the door.

"Ugh, who the heck already?!" I snap at myself as I walk to the door and look through the peep hole. He looked familiar but I couldn't place it. I open the door, trying to hide my confusion. "Can I help you?" I ask, realizing it was the brown haired boy from the cross walk.

"Hi, I'm the mayors son, Hiccup Haddock. I just wanted to introduce myself and be the first to welcome you to Berk," he says with a smile, extending his hand. I shake it firmly.

"Astrid Ho-...llerkey..." I say, scared to use my real name, in case my dad ever gets arrested.

"Hollerkey? That's a strange name," Hiccup says and I cross my arms.

"Stranger than Haddock?" I ask and he smirks.

"Hey, horses graze in me!" he says in mock defense and I furrow my eye brows.

"That's a paddock," I told him.

"I know, I try to make it a joke whenever I can. Some people ignore the letter difference," he said with a shrug. He then looks over my shoulder and sees the scatter of tools I was using to make my bed. "Building something?" he asks and I look behind me to see the mess.

"Uh, just trying to assemble my bed. Not very good at this stuff so, I'm not gonna be done for a while..." I tell him and he looks confused.

"Why don't your parents help you?" he asks and I stiffen.

"Because I don't know where one is and the other is in Outcast City," I say and he looks at me in confusion.

"You're living here by yourself?" he asks. I'm not comfortable answering that honestly...

"No, I've got a room mate," I lie.

"Then why don't they help you?" he asks.

"They're at a job interview," I say and he nods.

"Well, if you want, I can help you out. I'm pretty good at that stuff," he offers.

"No, can't ask you to do that," I say with a shake of my head.

"Too bad, I guess I'm a new law-breaker," he says with a smirk as he invites himself in and goes to my room. I follow him and find him already putting parts together when I reach my bedroom. "So, I noticed you didn't have a lot of boxes," Hiccup says he tightens a screw into a bed leg.

"Yeah, my room mate and I don't have a lot of stuff. He's the kind of people that when he doesn't use something anymore, he throws it out, not even thinking he might need it in the future," I tell him.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Hiccup asks.

"Uh, yeah, actually," I lie, trying not to meet his eye.

"Yay! Tell me how you met!" Hiccup cheers,a s if a little kid asking his parents about their first date.

"Uh-b-blind date. Friend of a friend in common," I say and he scoffs.

"More than that! How'd you react when you saw him?" he asks.

"Uh, stared," I say and Hiccup rolls his eyes.

"You're not one for talking are you?" he asks as he tightens another screw.

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