Chapter 22

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Astrid's P.O.V.

"Astrid! Where're you going?" Hiccup calls and I turn to face him when I reach the door.

"" I say uncertainly.

"No, just wait a few minutes and I'll give you a ride," he says, heading for the stair case.

"Uh, I don't mean to be rude but I'd rather walk. You know, stay in shape," I say and he pauses, half way up, to look at me. I notice his eyes dart over my body, as he checked me out, and I resist a disgusted hiss.

"I think you can afford one ride," he says, raising his eye brows. 

"One ride turns to thousands of rides, and then comes laziness," I tell him, fixing the strap of my bag on my shoulder. Faint distrust flickers in his eyes for a split second before disappearing.

"No, I'm giving you a ride," he says and runs up stairs before I can say anything. Wow, he doesn't trust me to come back to this place? He thinks I'm gonna go back to my apartment? (Not that I wasn't gonna do that...) I roll my eyes and walk outside to see the sky a light grey. The air was warm while the light breeze was cool. It was a perfect day for walking! I skip down the stone steps of the house and walk down the drive way, my hands in my pockets and my hood covering my ears. Suddenly, I feel a firm hand grasp my shoulder and I spin around to punch only to have the person grab my wrist. "Whoa-kay! You have reflexes!" Hiccup says as he redirects my fist.

"One of the benefits of growing up in Outcast City," I say as I continue to walk down the drive way.

"Nope!" Hiccup says as he spins me around and pushes me toward his car. I growl under my breath in annoyance as he forces me to get in. I cross my arms as he drives down the road. Once we reach the school, I get out and run inside before jogging toward the gym. 

After school

People were still complaining about who ever cleaned the lockers. I mean, I did it Saturday, they found out about it yesterday, they need to get over it! I stuffed my things in my bag and closed my locker. I have to admit, though...they did seem to be a lot more boring now. But the good news is they didn't announce my birthday! If they had, it would have been a nightmare. I walk out to the front of the school and start my walk to the Dragon Wing. 

"Astrid!" I turn around as Hiccup jogs up to me. "Want a ride to work?" he asks.

"No thank you," I say and am about to walk away but he grabs my shoulder.

"Why?" He asks, sounding hurt.

"Because I want to walk," I tell him.

"Okay, then call me after your shift and I'll pick you up," he says.

"Fine," I say with a glare before walking down the street.

Three hours later

I finish wiping down the counter before heading to the rack and hanging up my apron. I put my bag over my shoulder and walk outside before locking the door. It had been my turn to close up, and I must say I did not want my shift to end. Now I have to go to Hiccup's place...wait, no I don't! I look up and down the street, realizing how close I am to my old building. And I still had my key. I jog down the street until I come to my building. It's weird. I wasn't here for more than a few weeks but I still had a lot of memories here. Although, to be fair, I have memories almost everywhere. Lightning flashes over my head and I dart under the awning. This place must really like rain. I pull out my phone and text Hiccup.

A: Hey, I'm outside the apartments.

H: Why aren't you at the Dragon Wing?

A: I was gonna try to walk because I didn't want to put you out...

H: I need to talk to you when I get there.

I put my phone in my bag and lean against the wall with crossed arms. Whatever. Let him do as he wants.He cannot blame me for wanting a trip down memory lane. Granted the memories aren't very good, but still. After a few minutes, Hiccup pulls up to the curb and pops my door open. I hesitate for a moment before getting in and fastening my seat belt. He starts driving down the street as we sit in uncomfortable silence. I finally can't take it anymore.

"What did you want to freaking talk about?" I ask, crossing my arms and leaning my head against the window. He then pulls over to the side of the road before parking the car, outside a building, and looking at me. "Oh, no, you're gonna kill me aren't you?!" I almost scream and try to unlock the door but Hiccup locks it again before I can open it. We go back and forth with the lock before I jump in my seat. "Stop it!" I shout and try to get out but he speeds down the street. Then, with one hand on the wheel, he reaches into my bag and pulls out my phone before I can do anything. "Gimme that!" I shout, reaching for it only to have him swerve and make me hit my door.

"Calm down Astrid!" he snaps as he puts my phone in his pocket and takes his out. That's when I notice that he's driving down a deserted dirt road.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Kids, do NOT try this at home! I pull out my phone and text Heather.

(H1=Hiccup, H2=Heather)

H1: Hey, we got there but then she started screaming. I think she's onto us. I'll take her somewhere to calm down and we'll be back in a bit. Okay?
H2: What was she screaming about?

H1: She thought I was gonna kill her. I have no idea why. We'll be a little late so keep everything up and make sure the Nuts and Snotlout know what to do.
H2: You got it.

I put my phone away and look at Astrid to see her eyes wild with terror. Hating to see her like that, and feeling like I'd make things worse by speaking, I turn my gaze back to the road. After a few minutes of her terrified breathing being the only sound between us, I break the silence.

"What are you thinking?" I ask.

"You're gonna kill me and then dump my body in the countryside or woods," she says quietly. I take my phone back out and text Heather again. 

H1: We might be a lot late...

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