Chapter 51

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I sat in the doctors office, staring at the wall with tightened eyebrows. "Okay, it seems to be a simple panic attack," the doctor said as he walked in, clipboard in hand.

"Uh...panic attack?" Hiccup repeats.

"It's nothing too serious, just a feeling of strong anxiety that can occur at anytime. They can be random, or triggered. Now, I can put you on some anti-anxiety medication, that will lessen the panic attacks, but not stop them," the doctor says.

"How do we stop them and keep them stopped?" I ask.

"Well, there's no way to get entirely rid of them, but a way I recommend to stop them in action, is to just distract her. Take water, deep breaths, talk about stuff that can take her mind off of the fact that her heart is racing painfully, and the chill in her veins," the man said to Hiccup who nodded.

"W-Why are you telling this to him?" I ask.

"Because it's hard to distract yourself. And most times during a panic attack, you won't be able to think clearly, so you need someone else to think for you," the doctor tells me. 

"Well that's a scary thought," I murmur.

"Do you want the medication?" he asks. I exchange a glance with Hiccup, knowing that we were thinking the same thing. What if I'm pregnant? Would the drugs affect the baby?

"Um...I-I think we'll hold off on the medication for now," Hiccup answered for me and I nodded. Just to be safe.

"Okay. Few more questions: Was this attack triggered?" I froze. I don't want to answer that with Hiccup in the room.

"Yes," I answer, going against my better judgement. "Hiccup did something that reminded me of my dad and next thing I know I couldn't breathe."

"What did I do?" Hiccup asks in shock. I look at him with an apologetic gaze. Realization suddenly struck his eyes and he turned his head away after a pause.

"I suggest you see a therapist," the doctor said, typing something in his computer.

"We've tried that," Hiccup said distractedly, "She has trouble opening up."

"Well, that's the best solution. Either try it again, take the medication, or other."

Ride home

"I trigger memories of your dad," Hiccup said slowly as he drove out of the parking lot.

"I'm sorry you had to hear it like that," I whispered.

"At least I heard it," he says, "So, what specifically did I do to make you suffocate?"

"Pinned me to the island," I say hesitantly.

"Okay," he sighed. "Do you want to give the therapist another try?" I paused in thought.

"I'm trying to think of something I can loose, but I'm coming up blank," I say quietly.

"Okay, but you have to talk to them," he says firmly, "And you have to tell them what is going on. Okay? No skirting questions, topics, changing the subject, none of that. Hear me?" I nodded sheepishly before he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. He planted a lingering kiss on my knuckles  before giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. He then pulls into a spot in front of the Dragon Wing and I unbuckled my seat belt. "Pick you up at 8?" he asks and I nod before he leans over and kisses my cheek. I get out of the car and go inside before grabbing my apron and clocking in.

"Astrid? Can I talk to you?" Crimson asks and I walk over to her.

"What's up?" I ask. She had a sorrowful look on her face.

"You weren't here for the staff meeting-" I cut in.

"I'm sorry, I was at a doctors appointment," I say and she nods.

"No, no, it's fine, I just want to get you caught up. The Dragon Wing has been going through some tough times...and I'm afraid by the end of the month, I have to let at least two people go," she says, making me pause.

"...I-am I...?" I didn't need to finish.

"I'm not sure yet," she says with a shake of her head, "But I'm thinking about the two newest people to the staff. That's you and Jess. I'm sorry, I just wanted to warn you so you can brace yourself. Just remember that nothing's definite yet." I nodded stiffly. "You're a fine employee, Astrid. If I do end up having to let you go, I doubt you'll have trouble finding work," she says. She then leaves and I take a few deep breaths as I feel my heart start to pick up speed. What if I did get fired? What would Hiccup say? What would he do? I shook my head to clear it and got to work.


I heard Hiccup honk his horn and put my apron on the hook before storming out the door. "How was work?" Hiccup asked as I got in and fastened my seat belt.

"Messed up like 10 orders," I grumble as he drives through the darkness of night. "I saw Fishlegs," I say.


"Yeah, he was with a girl I don't recognize," I tell him.

"Well, his cousins in town..." he said.

"Well then how come when he roped me into a fascinating conversation about the human anatomy, she gave me the death glare?" I ask.

"He was talking to you about the human anatomy?" he asked in shock.

"Mh-hm," I say teasingly, "It was the hottest talk I've ever had with him."

"Okay, you can stop now," he says tensely, making me not able to hold back a chuckle. He pulls into the drive way and I get out before walking inside and going to the living room. I flopped down on the couch before pulling a throw pillow under my head. I felt a soft hand run along my back before Hiccup's voice whispered in my ear. "Astrid, I know you're tired, but you can at least make it up the stairs, right?" he asked.

"Mm, no...!" I moaned, burying my face in the pillow. Hiccup sighed before resting his head on my shoulder blades.

"Okay," he said softly before kissing the tip of my ear and pulling a blanket over me.

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