Chapter 6

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I look at the window as I hear something that sounded like an animal-ish scream. There, scratching at my window, was a shivering grey cat, looking at me with pleading amber eyes. Her jaws were parted in a begging cry, making my heart burst with sadness for the thing. I quickly open the window and slowly reach for her. She licks my thumb before jumping into my home, shaking her paws as she walked. I run to a box that said 'bathroom' and dig through it to find that it had no towels. I sigh before looking at the shivering cat that was fur and bones, when an idea came to mind. I run out into the hall and rush to Hiccup's apartment, knocking rapidly on the door. He answers it after a minute.

"Hey, I'm sorry I've been a jerk since I got here, can I borrow a towel?" I say in a rush and he looks at me in confusion.

"What?" he asks, obviously not understanding a word I said.

"I have to take a shower and I don't have the bathroom tools required, can I borrow some towels?" I ask slower.

"Sure, how many do you need?" he asks.

"I usually use two, if that's okay," I say and he walks away before coming back with two soft, warm towels.

"Go ahead and keep them. Do you need some for Derek?" he asks and I freeze, wondering who the heck Derek was. Then I remembered he was supposed to be my boyfriend.

"Um, no, we can share. Thank you, Hiccup," I say and go back to my apartment before wrapping the still shivering cat in one and holding her close to my chest as she wrapped her paws around my neck. She lets out a miserable yowl and I hold her closer, shushing her gently as I stroked her head. I leave her on my bed and go to find my hair drier. Once I have it located, I go back to her and plug it in before drying her fur with it.

Next day

I had made an appointment with the vet for the cat and I was in the middle of lining a box with one of the towels Hiccup gave me when I felt something as soft as a cloud brush against my side. I look down to see the cats fur had dried completely and was now a splotchy grey color with darker grey swirl patterns. She was beautiful. The swirls reminded me of a funnel cloud before a tornado...Storm, maybe? I'm trying to think of a name for her but Storm alone doesn't seem to fit her. Oh, well, I'll think about it. I finish lining the box before putting her in it and carrying her outside. I walk down the street a few blocks before walking into the vet building and checking her in. I wanted to see if she had any diseases and they said check ups were free for cats found on the street so I had to take advantage of it. I know, I know, I found her on my window sill but it's close enough.

"Well, I have no idea why she wasn't able to find a home. She's in perfect health," the vet said as she checked the cats ears. The animal just purred quietly as if she loved being attended to like this. The vet stroked her back and twisted the tip of her tail around her finger. The cat certainly seemed to enjoy people.

"She doesn't even have flees?" I ask, stroking her head.

"Nope. She's clean and vibrant. We've seen her a few times actually, chasing birds in the park. When she runs, I swear I see a gap between her paws and the ground," the vet says and the cat seems to stand a little taller at her complement.

"So it's like she...flies?" I ask and the vet nods. I had about $980 left from my savings after my snack food shopping spree when I got here. I can probably afford to buy her some food and a box.

Back home

I put Stormfly's food and litter box on the table as she lays on my bed, seeming comfortable in a house. I put the box on the ground and start clipping it together. Once that's done, I put it in my room and fill it with litter. Right when I put the left over litter next to it, she climbs in and uses it. Why would no one want her? She's perfectly trained already! I had about $940 left. I had to spend it wisely until I had a consistent flow of money coming in. I heard a knock at the door and opened it to be shocked out of my boots by some one I thought I'd never have to see again. I thought I wasn't going to to meet them again. I thought they were out of my life! How did they find me?! What did they want?!

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter.

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