Chapter 29

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Astrid's P.O.V.

Okay, false alarm. My hand didn't break, it was merely sprained, and the crack I felt was my knuckles popping. So, I had to go to the nurses office and find the key to her drawers. She keeps it on her computer and I was like, "...What?". Of course the only thing I found in there were emergency female products so I went to the drawers under the counter and dug around until I found an injury wrap. So now, 20 minutes later, it's 7:10 and I'm sitting outside the school, wearing my dry school clothes as I read my book, listening to the rain hit the pavement. I was under the glass overhang so I wasn't gonna get wet again but I was still pretty cold and my teeth were chattering, making a really funny noise! *Laughs hysterically* I mean, the doors lock automatically at 7 and I walked out of the school before noticing that I didn't dry my hair. So now I'm stuck here, shivering until Jerry comes and unlocks everything.


Jerry finally got here and let me in. He made me a cup of coffee as I dried my hair and I seriously could not thank him enough, because seriously, I was about to freeze. "Why would you run to school at 6 o'clock a.m. in thigh-shorts and a 1/4 inch thick, short sleeved shirt, when it's pouring rain?!" he asked me angrily as he paced around in the teachers lounge. Jerry was the PE teacher and he usually got here early to run laps. I was usually his favorite student. But right now he was pretty pissed at me.

"Well, you're always telling me my legs don't get the amount of exercise that they deserve...," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't try to blame this on me okay," he orders and I take a gulp of coffee. He then spins a chair around, so the back is closest to the table, and straddles the seat, resting his crossed arms on the back of the chair, facing me. "Come on, what's going on?" he asks after a pause, "The girl I know is too smart to go running in the early morning, in the pouring rain. Did something happen?" 

"I just had a bad week and thought a run might get my mind off things," I tell him.

"Okay, you know I don't blame you- I mean, getting stabbed by your mom, moving into an unfamiliar house, and other things that you must have kept from me- but you basically could have committed suicide if I didn't get here in time," he scolds and I square my shoulders before finishing off my coffee. he then pats my knee before standing up. "Now, come on. Lets get some laps in before school, eh?" he suggests and I smile before heading for the door. I'm about to open it, but Jerry blocks my path with his arm. "Before we go to the gym," he says slowly, "What did you do to your hand?" I look at my wrapped hand to see that it was still fairly swollen.

"Punched a wall," I say, leaving out the hand dryer, and he sighs before ruffling my hair.

"Next time use the punching bag!" he groans before we go to the hall way and race to the gym.

"Hey! No running in the halls!" a voice snaps and we skid to a simultaneous halt.

"Who said that?" Jerry whispers loudly to me from the corner of his mouth as he froze. He'd never been caught breaking a rule in all his years of teaching, and he has had the opportunity to. I could already tell he thought it was a ghost or something, from the look he had in his eyes. I look around to see a painfully familiar shape walking toward us from down the hall.

"Relax, it's just Hiccup," I groan before Jerry spins around. He and Hiccup gangster lean, pointing their thumbs to their sides.

"'Ey....!" they harmonize as I roll my eyes. They bro-hug when Hiccup gets close enough. 

Jerry was that teacher that got along with all the students and you have to be insane not to smile when he talks to you. He's the kind that jokes around a lot but still knows how to get serious and you do not want to get on his bad side. Hiccup and Jerry were talking to each other in hushed voices on the other side of the hall as I drank from the water fountain. Next thing I know, Jerry's walking to his office and Hiccup is slamming his hand on the wall next to me, making me jump and want to kick him where the sun don't shine. And I nearly almost did when he put his other hand on my other side, trapping me against the wall.

"Uh...Hiccup," I start cautiously before he snaps his hand over my mouth.

"Nope. You need to shut up and get in that storage closet," he orders and I felt the muscles in my leg start to stiffen. I guess he saw the look in my eye because he shook his head violently for a moment and took his hand away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just need to talk to you and I can't do it with everyone staring at us," he says, making me realize how many people had gotten here.

"O-okay but do we have to talk in the closet?" I ask.

"Where do you suggest?" he asks.

"Library," I say and he grabs my hand before pulling me to said place. 

"Where were you this morning? You had me worried sick," he says as I sit at one of the tables.

"On a run. Brought my bag so I could go straight to school when I was done," I tell him.

"Why didn't you at least leave a note?" he asks.

"Because I don't need to!" I say in exasperation, "If I was still at my apartment, you wouldn't have to worry about me 24/7!"

"Astrid, remember your stitches. If you get too stressed, they might break," he warns.

"Oh, who cares? Let 'em break, let the blood gush out in a river of sticky red syrup! You know why? Because that's what I want to happen! I want to bleed out on the floor so that I never have to worry a hair on your pretty little head again. But most of all, I want to experience the pain of the world collapsing around me one more time, as I watch my reflection in the pool of blood that I'll swim in. Seeing the life slowly ebb from my eyes as the agony over takes my body and death crawls closer with every jagged breath. There's never anything more satisfying than watching yourself slowly slip out of the claws of life and into the embrace of the dead," when I finish I realize that Hiccup had been drawing on a sticky note. He shows me and I smirk at the image of me lying dead on the floor of the library, blood pooling around my stomach.

"So you wanna look like that?" he asks.

"Yup. At least then I won't make the world darker and drive you 'insane with worry'. Also, once it's all over, I won't feel any more of the pain that I've suffered for over half my life. And you won't have to deal with the selfish ***** that cares about no one but herself," I say and anger flares in his eyes. What, is, wrong with me?! I couldn't control what I was saying! My mind just wouldn't shut up and my lips were moving rapidly, not letting me stop them even to take a breath! 

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