Chapter 57

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Astrid's P.O.V.

Snotlout gently shoved me into Hiccup's room and I froze as Hiccup shouted at his cousin. "Hey! Fragile cargo, Snot!" he snaps before looking at me. "Astrid, come here," he orders, beckoning me toward him with two fingers. I took a shaky step back.

"C-can't we just talk like this?" I ask nervously.

"No, because I don't want to talk. Come here," he repeats.

"Uh-" he didn't let me continue.

"If you don't get over here, I'll come over there," he snaps and, by instinct, I jump back and use the corner to shield my spine. He suddenly took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. "Astrid. Please, just come here," he says more calmly.

"I-I don't really think I should," I say nervously, lowering my gaze to the floor as I slide down the wall.

"Snotlout, can we get some privacy?" Hiccup asked and his cousin looked from him to me and back again before leaving the room. Neither of us said anything for a moment, but when Hiccup broke the silence, I wanted to scream. "Astrid, I'm sorry I snapped at you, but you can't expect me to be completely calm when you run off, and I don't see you, or know where you are, for over 3 hours," he says. I buried my face in my knees as shame washed over my body. He was right, he had every right to be mad, but sometimes I just couldn't keep myself from sinking back into the black hole of my childhood. 

"Astrid, will you look at me?" Hiccup asks. I shake my head stiffly. "Please?" I shake my head again. He sighed heavily before I heard his bed creek softly. I then heard the clacking of crutches advancing on me. I pushed myself deeper into the corner as he leaned his crutches on the wall and awkwardly lowered himself next to me. "Okay, honey, I'm not gonna hurt you," he says softly before I felt his hand gently wrap around my forearm, wrapped around my legs.

"No, just, don't. Please, don't," my voice was small and tight as I tried to shrink away, making him take his hand away.

"I won't, I won't," he says slowly before gently rubbing my shoulder and running his hand down my arm. He suddenly started snaking his arm around my back.

"Hiccup, please. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't," I whispered weakly.

"Shh... It'll be alright, M'Lady," he breathed in my ear as he slipped his other arm between my belly and my thighs. He clasped his hands together, on my away side, and pulled me into his chest. ", sh," he shushed gently as I let out a protesting whimper. "Sh, I just want you close, okay?" he told me softly, stroking my hair. I inhaled deeply before pressing closer to his ribs. "That's it," he praised lightly before pressing his lips to the top of my head.

Next day

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Hello, Hiccup, what a glorious day! How are you? I'm good, a little tired, but I feel like I can fly through the court thing today!" Astrid said as she stumbled into my room.

"Astrid are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine," she said with a smile, "How are you?"

"What'd you do last night?" I ask.

"Processed a few things," she says with a deep breath, "Got some stuff through my head. Made about 23 carvings. Called Tony, he's great. Little mad that I called him in the middle of the night. I accidentally broke a plate, but I'll replace it with one from work. You won't even find out I broke one. Oh! I got a call from Crimson. She said that my chances of staying on staff are slimmer, but she also told me not to worry, so I'm not.  I realized I was pregnant, took another test, and came out positive again. Went to the store, around 3, and got a few different brands. Funny thing: they were all positive. So then, after that, I had a weird craving for macaroni and cheese and ice cream. I can't stop scratching my bullet. Should I wear tennis shoes or heels to the court crap place thing? Do I have permission to shoot the guy? That reminds me, I need to visit my mom in jail."

"Astrid?" I say and she looks at me, "Did you have caffeinated coffee?"

"No. I had decaffeinated soda," she says.

"Oh boy that's worse," I sigh.

"No it's not," Astrid laughed breathlessly, "It's healthier. I can't have caffeine, I'm pregnant, Hiccup! Caffeine is a drug! Now, if you don't mind, I think I'll go throw up, and then head to court. Okay, be back later, bye!" My mouth gaped in very slight amusement as she shot out the door and ran down the hall. 

Astrid's P.O.V.

"Okay, Astrid, that is the last time you break down unless it's in private. Got it?" I said to myself, staring into my eyes by using the mirror on the sun block above the wheel of Hiccup's car. "That's the last time you drink soda in your pregnancy, you're going to limit the amount you give into your cravings. You're gonna get control of your life before the baby gets here! And right now, you are going to march into that building, and you are going to identify the man. Then you're going to go home, and destroy all your bear carvings. Start carving dragons. No more bears...or men that happen to currently be in a hospital bed, missing a leg, because you didn't know what was going on, alright?" I stared at my reflection for a moment before nodding and getting out of the car. I went into City Hall and asked around before an officer had me go into a room with a one-way window. A man was on the other side, scowling at us as the officer told him to turn to his right. I furrowed my eyebrows in thought.

"C-can I take a picture of him?" I ask the officer.

"Why?" he asks.

"I, um, I have someone I want to show..." I say.

"I guess I don't see why not," he says with a shrug and I take out my phone before snapping a picture of the man. "So, I take it he is the perpetrator?" 

"Yes. Can I go now?" I ask.

Back at the hospital

I walked into Hiccup's room and smiled at him as I sat next to his bed. "How'd it go?" he asks.

"Do you really wanna know?" I ask.

"Was it that bad?" he asks.

"Let's see. I get there, no idea where to go. I ask around until someone directs me to an officer, who takes me to the screening room or whatever. I look at the man and he looks like he hasn't showered in ten years. If you don't believe me, look for yourself," I show him the picture on my phone. "So then, the guy breaks the window and tries to get the officers gun. He some how does, and then tries to take me hostage. Said he was gonna kill me and the baby and then &%$*#$*&^!$* my dead body. And then he found out that the gun wasn't loaded and more officers got him contained," I say.

"My Thor," he says, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. But I am not leaving the house again," I say.

"What if I got Snotlout to-" I don't let him finish.

"No," I say, shaking my head.

"What if I-"

"No," I shake my head again.

"What if-"



"No, no, no. Hiccup, please, just let me stay in my bubble...please?" I say, a pleading look in my eye. He pouts as he takes my hand.

"I don't like your bubble. It's too dark," he grumbles.

"It might be dark, but it feels like the safest thing," I sigh.

"Will you promise to pop it for when I get out?" he asks.

"Sure," I say before looking at my watch, "I have to go. Therapy appointment." I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

"Good luck," he says as I walk out of his room.

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