Chapter One: Arriving in Madrid

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It had all begun when Rachel's friend had announced that she was getting married to her boyfriend of four years and had asked Rachel to be maid of honour.

The brunette had been excited at first when Karla had asked her since she wasn't that close with the blonde and was quick to say yes; however when she mentioned it to her own boyfriend, she was a little disappointed to hear that he wasn't coming with her.

It had taken some convincing from Evan that she should still attend the wedding in Madrid without him; Rachel had wanted to stay and support him in his first big court case but he wouldn't have it.

After months of planning, it was finally decided that the wedding would take place on 15th of October 2010 in Madrid; despite the fact that Karla had always talked about a summer wedding.

So about a week before the wedding, Rachel and the rest of the bridal party flew out to Madrid to join the groom and his party who had arrived three days before.

The bridal Party included Karla, Rachel, Tara, Leona, Anne, Rosa and finally Marc; all of whom were excited about their trip to the Spanish capital.

The seven had just landed in Barajas Airport after their eighteen hour flight from their homes in Miami, California and they were all relieved that they had finally arrived.

"Land... Thank the Lord," Tara said diving off the plane and onto the hot tarmac making the others laugh through their tiredness; they hadn't slept much on the flight since Karla had kept them all awake talking about her big day.

"You won't be complaining when you see some sexy Spaniards," Leona called as they all slowly climbed off of the plane and started towards the Airport; Tara laughed and nodded her head as she jogged to catch up with her sister, who was already checking her phone for messages.

"We aren't going out on the town tonight, are we?" Tara asked glancing back at Marc as they made their way through security and then baggage claim.

Rachel shook her head, knowing that Jet-lag and alcohol really didn't mix to well. Marc groaned at Tara's suggestion and wrapped an arm around Rachel, he didn't like the idea of partying after such a long flight plus he wanted some beauty sleep before they did so.

"Not tonight... I think it's best if we all get some sleep and then tomorrow," he said making the rest of the bridal party smirk and look at Karla who groaned knowing that her friends had something planned for her. 


After the eighteen minute trip from the airport to the Ritz hotel, which was being paid for by Karla's parents; who were flying out a few days before the wedding.

The group pretty much crashed when they had sorted out who was sleeping were and had ensured that Adam and his party were on a separate floor away from them. Rachel was lucky enough to have gotten her own room, since she was the maid of honour; unfortunately it was next door to Karla's.

After a little unpacking and a quick shower, Rachel decided to sit on her bedroom balcony for a bit before she went to sleep.

The sun was still pretty high in the sky and Rachel found it interesting to watch the people below her walk about and interact with each other.

Rachel smiled sadly, as she watched a couple talk and walk around the plaza below her; she missed Evan and was a little hurt that he had wanted to work instead of attend the wedding with her.

Rachel shook her head not wanting to think about it just yet; instead she slipped back into her hotel room and locked the balcony door and closed her blinds.

She quietly made her way over to her bed and slipped inside the white sheets and rested her head on the pillows.


The next morning after a good night's sleep, Rachel was up early so that she could make sure that everything was ready for the wedding.

The brunette had called to ensure that the wedding dress and suits had arrived safely from America and that the hairstylist and make-artist were confirmed.

She had just gotten off the phone with the make-up artist when Marc waltzed into her room were some shorts and a polo shirt making the brunette smile.

"Time for breakfast," he sang while he looked approvingly at the outfit that Rachel had picked out to wear today; Rachel was wearing a red t-shirt with peplum in lace spot and black skinny jeans paired with black patent ballet flats.

The brunette rolled her hazel eyes at Marc before she picked up her black leather and suede drawstring bag and ushered him out of the door.

Marc chuckled as Rachel locked her hotel room door and looked at him as they started off down the corridor and stopped by the elevator. Rachel raised an eyebrow at him and waited for what Marc had to say.

"So when are you and Evan getting married?" he asked making the brunette glare at him, she had told him plenty of times that she didn't like this conversation.

The two of them stepped into the elevator when it opened, Marc looked at her expectantly.

"When we are ready," Rachel said not looking at her best friend who groaned at her response; he just wanted her to be happy and he was sure that Evan was hiding something.

"But you've been dating for four years now and he still hasn't proposed," Marc said exasperated making Rachel smile stiffly at him, she didn't want anyone knowing how much it really bothered her that Evan had yet to ask her to marry him.

Marc looked at Rachel oddly but didn't comment on her stiffness at the mention of her lack of engagement; it was clear that she had mentioned the lack of movement in their relationship to Evan and it hadn't ended well.

As they entered the dining room, Rachel grinned when she spotted Karla, who was picking at her breakfast in disgust; she had a thing about carbs and Marc just knew that she was preparing to moan about the choice of menu at the hotel.

"I bet he misses you too," Rachel said moving to distract Karla from complaining, she knew that the blonde wasn't going to see Adam again until she was walking down the aisle and gave Karla a quick hug, before she sat down as well; Karla smiled at her as the other members of the Bridal Party arrived.

"So what's the plan today?" Tara asked as she looked over at her sister, as Karla realised that she had to meet with the caterer and to look around the venue; she wanted everything to be perfect and she didn't care what it took.

The rest of the bridal party quickly made plans to go shopping in Madrid's expensive shopping capital; they wanted to take in the expensive shopping district before Karla dragged them down with her constant complaining.

Rachel stayed out of the conversation knowing what she wanted to do while she was in Madrid, she hated shopping and didn't want to spend her time in the beautiful city walking around shops.

So she had secretly had plans to explore while the others wasted their money on things that they didn't need or want. The brunette sipped on her orange juice thinking about where she wanted to go.

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