Chapter Seven: Confrontations

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Cristiano pulled on his shirt as he looked over at Rachel, who was still asleep, he sighed as he finished getting dressed; he had to leave now if he wanted to get back home and pick up his stuff for training, so that he wouldn’t be late.

He leant across and brushed some hair from Rachel’s face, before he pressed a kiss to her lips; Cristiano watched her for several seconds, wanting nothing more than to climb back into bed with her, but he had to go to training or Jose would kill him and fine him for being late.

“I love you,” Cristiano said softly as he pressed a kiss to the brunette’s head, he didn’t know what possessed him to say it but that didn’t stop him.

He stepped away from the bed and picked up his jacket before offering one last look at Rachel, he had left her a note explaining he had gone to work so that she didn’t think that he had just used her; the last thing that he wanted was to make her feel cheap.

Cristiano then made his way out of Rachel’s hotel room quietly shutting the room, he hated that he couldn’t tell Rachel what was going on.

He hated that he was lying to her about who he was; he knew that there would only be trouble when she discovered the truth.

As he stepped into the elevator, Cristiano couldn’t help wonder what would happen when he told Rachel the truth; he just hoped that she would understand why he had kept her in the dark about who he really was.


Rachel rolled over as she woke up, and stretched feeling for Cristiano; she jotted awake when her hand hit thin air, she quickly looked at the space where Cristiano had been last night.

The brunette frowned when she spotted the empty side of the bed before her eyes landed on a note, which lay on the bedside table; Rachel sat up clutching the sheets to her chest as she picked up the note, and opened it.

She smiled softly as she read Cristiano’s words before shaking her head and frowning; she knew she shouldn’t be getting too attached to Cristiano when at the end of the week she would be flying back to America where Evan was waiting for her.

Rachel set down Cristiano’s note and climbed out of bed before she made her way to the bathroom and had a shower.

However when she returned to the bedroom, she was surprised to see Karla sitting on her bed waiting for her.

“Morning,” Rachel greeted as she finished getting ready and ran a brush through her hair; Karla watched her for a few minutes, she still couldn’t believe that Rachel was cheating on her boyfriend and that she was acting like nothing was happening.

“So are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Karla asked Rachel, who looked at her confused as she set down her hairbrush, she tilted her head confused wondering what her friend was talking about.

“Don’t play dumb I saw you with that guy, what would Evan say if he knew?” Karla said her voice starting to escalate, furious that her friend was cheating on her boyfriend; she couldn’t believe that Rachel had done such a thing.

Rachel stood quietly for a few seconds schooling her expression.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said calmly making Karla glare at her, she didn’t like being lied to and wondered why her friend was denying it.

“Cut the crap Rachel, the disappearing acts, the secretive meetings with Marc and Tara and bringing him back here last night,” Karla said as she stepped towards her friend, she wasn’t about to allow her to do this and destroy her relationship with Evan.

Rachel swallowed knowing that she had to stay firm, if she could talk Karla into believing that nothing had happened; then she stood of chance of making this all go away.

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