Chapter Fifteen: Thinking of the Future

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Cristiano kissed Rachel’s bare shoulder and sighed, he couldn’t believe how fast the last week and a half had gone by; it had been three weeks since Rachel had entered his life and he knew that soon he would have to return to Madrid.

“We’ll have to get up soon,” Cristiano said softly making Rachel nod as she felt him curl closer to her; she loved waking up next to him every morning and she was going to miss him when he went back to Spain.

The brunette closed her eyes as she thought about another problem that had made itself known in the last few days, she knew that it would be still only earlier but she knew something was going on.

“Rachel?” Cristiano asked softly as he picked up on her tension, he knew that something was bothering her and he didn’t want anything to ruin their last few days together.

Cristiano wrapped his arm around her again, moving Rachel so they were chest to chest, he watched her contently knowing that he would do anything to be with her for the rest of his life.

“I want you to come back to Madrid with me,” the footballer said unexpectedly making Rachel look at him confused; Cristiano rested his head against hers, he had been thinking about it for a while and he knew that it was the right time to ask her since he had to organise going home soon.

“I don’t want to be without you,” he said making Rachel bit her lip, wondering if she could move countries for someone she had only known for three weeks; she knew that it was a big risk and that it was something that she had to think about carefully.

“You don’t have to answer now… I just want you to consider it,” Cristiano said making Rachel nod as she felt him breathe deeply; he held her close to his warm body as he cuddled her closer.

“Cris?” Rachel said softly making him hum in response, he doubted that he was going to get the answer that he wanted but he could see that something was bothering her; the brunette licked her lips not sure how to tell him.

“I’m late,” Rachel whispered as she prepared to tell him what was on her mind, she watched as he looked confused wondering what she was talking about; he didn’t know if she was talking about an appointment or something.

“Late for what?” he asked shifting lightly making Rachel sigh at his confusion, she didn’t want to upset him in anyway and she wondered how this would affect things when she told him.

“I’m late for my period,” she said making Cristiano look at her startled as he realised what she was saying; he swallowed as he realised that there was a chance that he could have gotten her pregnant.


After Rachel had told Cristiano about the fact that she thought that she was pregnant, the footballer had insisted that they take a test straight away; luckily for them, Rachel’s parents were out for the day so they didn’t have to explain what was going on.

Cristiano, much to Rachel’s surprise, seemed thrilled that they could be having a baby and even more so that it was with Rachel; she wasn’t sure just how she felt about it yet but the brunette knew that she was a little excited.

They were currently at the local chemist inside the pharmacy looking at pregnancy tests; Rachel looked at Cristiano who was again wearing his sunglasses and baseball cap to hide out who he was.

“Okay what about First Response?” Cristiano said reading the back of the test making Rachel nod; she wasn’t sure how on earth he had convinced her to go through with this.

They had already gotten two Clear Blue tests and were looking to see the others which could help them find out if Rachel was pregnant this early on without going to the doctors.

“Rachel?” said a voice that they didn’t want to hear ever again; Evan stood grinning at the sight of the brunette, he knew that he would find her sooner or later, he wanted to see if she would take him back.

Cristiano moved closer to Rachel, who was glaring at her ex-boyfriend; she couldn’t believe that he was back in Miami, the last thing she had heard was that he was still in Madrid with Amber.

“I knew you’d come back at some point,” Evan said taking a step towards Rachel who felt Cristiano tense behind her; Evan frowned when he saw Cristiano wrap an arm around Rachel’s waist, he hadn’t expected to see the footballer again.

“Rachel why don’t you go pay,” Cristiano said not taking his eyes off of Evan who was glaring at him, he didn’t want her involved if this was going to turn into a fight; he wanted her safe and sound even if it meant to putting himself in danger.

Rachel nodded at Cristiano’s tone of voice and slipped away while Evan watched her go, she knew that this wasn’t over but she had other things on her mind right now.

“Don’t even think about it,” Cristiano warned Evan, he knew that the other man was thinking about chasing after Rachel and he didn’t want her getting stressed out.

“So when did she start screwing you?” Evan asked making Cristiano’s hands clench, he could see that Evan was going to lash out and he had a feeling that he was going to say something horrible about Rachel.

“You know… I give it a few months and she’ll be fooling around behind your back; she’s only interested in you for the money,” Evan said making Cristiano glare at him, he knew that the brunette wasn’t like that and he couldn’t believe that Evan would say something like that about her.

“She’s such a dirty slut…” Evan said and the moment the words left his mouth, he found himself on the floor; Cristiano closed his eyes knowing he shouldn’t have punched Evan, but he couldn’t have him saying those things about Rachel.


Rachel drummed her fingers against her bathroom counter as Cristiano glanced at his watch; the four pregnancy tests lay on the counter beside the brunette. Cristiano looked at his girlfriend.

“It’ll be fine,” he said trying to reassure her while Rachel looked at him and nodded. Cristiano sighed and moved towards her, he wrapped his arms around her.

“We’ll be fine, we’ll work this out,” Cristiano said as his watched beeped and Rachel pulled away from him.

“I love you even after two weeks, I’ve never been so serious about anyone before,” Cristiano continued as Rachel sighed and turned to face him; she was surprised that he had said those three words since they had only known each other for three weeks.

“Cris?” she said but Cristiano continued to talk, she smiled softly as he talked about how much he loved her.

“I love you too,” she said making Cristiano stop and look at her, he grinned and pulled Rachel into a kiss.

Rachel smiled into the kiss as he held her close, Cristiano knew that they would work things out no matter what the results were; he’d find a way of being with her even if he had to move here to do so.

“Cris…” she said pulling away from him, Cristiano nodded and looked at Rachel who smiled up at him; it was then that Cristiano realised that his watched had beeped.

Cristiano looked at Rachel and cupped her face, he had never felt so nervous in his life about the test result.

“I’m pregnant,” the brunette said confirming their thoughts about her being late for her period.

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