Chapter Nineteen: Unexpected Surprises

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It was now early December and Rachel had been living with Cristiano for nearly two months now and she was nine weeks pregnant with his child; she couldn’t believe how fast things had gone for them.

The couple had fallen into a nice routine where, Rachel would look after Junior while Cristiano was at training; the brunette had decided that to wait until after their baby was born before she started to look for a job.

Rachel had just settled the 6 month old down for a nap when she felt her stomach surge and she found herself with her head over the toilet puking; she was starting to hate morning sickness which seemed to haunt her every morning. 

Cristiano was quickly by her side holding her hair out of the way; he gently rubbed her back as she retched before she looked at him.

“I’ll be fine,” she said making Cristiano roll his eyes, as he flushed the toilet for her as the brunette took a deep breath.

Cristiano had ensured that the Midwife that they were seeing kept all information private; Rachel had only seen her once to confirm her pregnancy when they had gotten back to Madrid.

Cristiano rubbed Rachel’s back as he tried to sooth her.

“We have an appointment this afternoon,” he said making the brunette sigh as she rested a hand on her stomach as she felt a little nervous and queasy about the appointment.

Cristiano closed his eyes and rested his head against Rachel’s as she moved away from the toilet.

“It’ll be fine,” he said reassuring Rachel who wiped her mouth and nodded, she always got a little nervous when it came to doctor’s appointments since she didn’t like needles.


Cristiano and Rachel sat in the waiting room of Rachel’s midwife’s office; Junior was sitting on his father’s knee looking around the room curiously, he didn’t know what was going on.

“Are you okay?” the footballer asked as he squeezed Rachel’s hand making her look at him, he had noticed that Rachel’s morning sickness was a lot worse than Daniella’s. Rachel nodded at him, and squeezed his hand in return while Junior looked at them.

“Rachel Focker,” one of the nurses called making Rachel and Cristiano sigh as they stood up and started towards the door.

The nurse led them to an examination room where she gave Rachel a gown before she left the room allowing Rachel to get changed; Cristiano was quick to occupy Junior while she changed and sat on the examination table.

The footballer sat down by her head making his girlfriend look at him knowing that he was worried about her, he knew that he would do anything to ensure that her and their child were okay.

“I’m fine,” she said trying to comfit him, Cristiano nodded at her as their midwife walked into the room, she smiled at them as she quickly checked the chart before she turned her attention to the couple.

“So how has everything been?” Fiona asked making the brunette smile at her, she knew that Cristiano had some questions but she hoped that he wouldn’t cause any unnecessary problems.

“Things have been fine but morning sickness sucks,” Rachel said making Fiona smile at her comment before glancing at Cristiano; she could sense that the father had something to say about that and she was here to help them both as much as possible.

“I just think her morning sickness is a bit strong,” Cristiano said making Rachel look at him, he ignored her as he looked at the midwife; he hoped that Fiona would be able to help them in some way, he didn’t know what to expect with this pregnancy.

Fiona nodded before she asked Rachel to put her legs into the leg holders.

“It’s different for everyone,” Fiona said trying to ease Cristiano as she applied the gel to Rachel’s stomach and started the scan.

Fiona smiled as she looked at the image on her screen before she glanced at Rachel and Cristiano, who looked slightly confused at the image; he remembered Junior’s scans but they had never looked like this one.

“Congratulates… you’re having twins,” Fiona said making Cristiano and Rachel stiffen as they took in what Fiona had said; she hadn’t thought about the possibility of having a multiple birth.

“Twins?” Rachel asked breathlessly looking at Cristiano, who was now grinning at the image that was on the screen; he had never thought that he would father twins but now that he had he couldn’t describe the feeling that he had.

Fiona nodded confirming it for Rachel, who was taking deep breaths.

“It explains the strong morning sickness…” Cristiano said making Rachel nod; he had thought that it would have been something serious like Hyperemesis gravidarum.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Fiona said before stepping out of the room leaving them alone, Cristiano looked at Rachel who was staring at the screen; they had talked about a lot of things but they hadn’t talked about something like this.

“Rach?” he asked making the brunette look at him and smile weakly, Cristiano knew this was less than ideal at the moment but he couldn’t help but be happy.

“We’re having twins,” Rachel said making Cristiano chuckle as he pressed a kiss to her head and looked at the screen; he loved her and the twins and he hoped that his family would soon warm to the idea.


Rachel held Junior while Cristiano put some stuff in the back of the car when she heard someone call to her; the brunette furrowed her brow since she didn’t know anyone in the city except for Cristiano.

“Rachel there you are,” a blonde said appearing and giving Rachel a hug, Cristiano frowned at the blonde as he recognised her as the bride from the wedding; he didn’t know what it was but he suddenly had a bad feeling about her presence.

“Karla… what are you doing here?” Rachel asked confused pulling away from the blonde, who smiled at her; she had been searching for weeks and was thrilled that she had finally managed to track her friend down.

Cristiano moved to take Junior from Rachel, making Karla glance at him; there was something about her that Cristiano didn’t like nor trust.

“I’m here to see my best friend silly,” she said as Cristiano settled Junior into his car seat, he glanced at the blonde knowing that it wasn’t the reason why she was here and he wanted to get Rachel away from her as fast as possible.

“I heard that you were pregnant and I took the first flight out knowing you’d need a friend,” Karla said smiling innocently, she couldn’t have the footballer turning her against the blonde; she needed Rachel as her friend.

“Thank you but I have Cristiano,” Rachel said as she stepped away from Karla, she had noticed the look on her boyfriend’s face and she had a feeling that they had the same thought; Karla was only here for the media attention.

Rachel bid Karla a farewell before she climbed into the Porsche Cayenne Turbo, she didn’t look back at the blonde knowing that she was best cutting all ties now; she didn’t know what it was but there was something about Karla that was telling her not to trust her anymore.

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