Chapter Twelve: Worth the Risk

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Rachel groaned as her phone rang for the seventh time that morning, Cristiano’s hands tightened around her making Rachel smile; she knew that he was getting a little protective of her.

“Ignore him,” Cristiano whispered his voice laced with sleep, Rachel nodded and closed her eyes as she listened to Cristiano’s heartbeat; she knew that time was running out and that she would be leaving for Miami the next day.

Evan for reasons that Rachel didn’t care for had continuously called her from the hotel where she had been staying to beg her to take him back; she knew that he didn’t really care for her and it made her wonder why he was putting in so much effort.

“He’ll get bored soon,” Rachel said as her phone continued to ring, she was exhausted and didn’t want to get out of bed so that she could turn her phone off.

Rachel pressed a kiss to Cristiano’s bare chest, she knew that he was slowly getting annoyed with the fact that Evan was constantly ringing her.

Smirking he sat up and pressed a kiss to Rachel’s lips as the brunette wrapped his arms around his neck; however before the couple could get any further as her phone started to ring again.

“He doesn’t give up, does he?” Cristiano snapped annoyed making Rachel follow his gaze to her mobile, she sighed knowing that Evan wasn’t going to give up any time soon.

She watched as Cristiano climbed out of bed and pulled on his boxers, she just hoped that he wouldn’t ruin things for her now.


Rachel looked at herself in Cristiano’s bathroom mirror, and frowned she ran her hands down her flat stomach and bit her lip before shaking her head; it had been a week since she had first night with Cristiano and the brunette was sure that something was different about her.

Cristiano had gone in to training for a few hours leaving Rachel alone; she currently couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something, she just didn’t know what it was.

“It’s all in your head,” Rachel whispered to herself as she pulled down her lounge hoodie and looked at herself carefully; her nipples had been feeling odd since she had gotten up and Rachel couldn’t place the feeling that she was having.

Rachel slipped out of the en-suite and headed back into the bedroom; she quickly grabbed her phone and checked her messages.

The brunette rolled her brown eyes at the messages from Karla and Evan, the two of them were still trying to get in contact with her while Marc and Tara were happy knowing that Rachel was happy and that was all that mattered to them.

Rachel sighed before she dialed an all too familiar number, she knew that she couldn’t return to her apartment when she went back to Miami since she knew that was what Evan wanted; she just hoped that she could get moved out before he got back.

“Hello Mum,” Rachel said as she ran her hands through her hair, she knew that she had some explaining to do since she knew that her parents would have heard what had happened between her and Evan.


Cristiano was glad that Jose had called a practice so that he could clear his head a little; he had known that things would be difficult for him and Rachel when they got together.

Iker and a few of the others had seen a difference in the Portuguese’s behavior and could only guess that things had gone well with the woman that he liked; Karim was still avoiding Cristiano to the best of his ability which seemed to amuse the others.

“So how are things with your American?” Ricardo asked making Cristiano look at him, before he nodded his head as he watched him; he hadn’t told them about what would happen between him and Rachel and he knew that they were curious.

“So come on tell us about her?” Pepe said making some of the guys look over at Cristiano who was smiling; they couldn’t believe that he was so taken with someone that he had known a week.

“Christ, it must be serious Ronny’s smiling,” Marcelo said looking at his close friend, Cristiano rolled his eyes as he continued to get ready; he knew what his friend was trying to do and he was sure that they were all just as interested.

“Who knew that it would be some American that would tame Cristiano Ronaldo,” Iker teased as he shook his head amused that the Portuguese was settling down with someone at last.

Some of the team who had girlfriends or wives laughed while those who remained single frowned a little at Iker’s comment; the Portuguese was sort of a role-model for the younger single members.

“She’s going back to America in a day or two,” Cristiano said as he finished getting ready and ran his hand through his hair, he knew that he had to prepare himself for this and he wasn’t sure that he was ready.

“What if she gets back with her ex-boyfriend? What if she dates someone else?” Cristiano said slightly freaked out, everyone stared at him slightly surprised; they had never seen him like this before and it was clear that he really did care about the brunette.

The team all started grinning at one another while Cristiano rolled his eyes at them; Iker looked at his team mate and sighed, knowing that he wanted some advice, it was strange seeing him so unsure.

“Is she worth the risk?” Iker asked as he pulled on his jacket, Cristiano nodded without thinking; he knew that Rachel was otherwise he wouldn’t have asked her to be his girlfriend.

“She’s worth the risk and more,” Cristiano said with a smile on his face, he didn’t know what he was going to do when it came to letting her go but he knew he’d take the risk.

“Well then there’s your answer,” Iker said before turning and making his way out of the locker room; Cristiano watched him knowing that he was right and that he did have the answer that he wanted.


“Will you just forget about her,” Amber said annoyed as she took Evan’s phone from him, she didn’t know why he seemed so despite to have Rachel back when he had her instead.

The lawyer sighed as he looked at his girlfriend knowing that he needed to stop focusing on Rachel and instead on her, he doubted that the brunette was alone and he knew she was somewhere with that footballer; he couldn’t believe that someone else was interested in his Rachel.

“How about we go out to dinner?” Evan asked as he wrapped his arms around Amber, he kissed her lips knowing that he had to keep her sweet in case he didn’t get Rachel back.

He liked having the best of both worlds especially since Rachel was the ideal public girlfriend while Amber was an animal in bed.

Amber smiled as she realised that she was getting what she wanted, she was aware that she still had some work to do to make sure that Rachel didn’t threaten her plans but she knew that her cousin would walk away without a fight.

“I’ll go and get ready,” Amber said as she kissed Evan’s lips, he was just a means for an end and she was going to get what she wanted one way or another.

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