Chapter Three: The Bachelorette Party

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Rachel had made reservations at Gastro several weeks earlier with the help of Leona, who had helped her plan the Hen Party.

The seven were quickly seated and impressed with the turn out at the restaurant that could hold around thirty people at a time; Karla looked at Rachel amazed at what the brunette had done.

“How did you get reservations for Sergi Arola’s restaurant?” she asked as Leona rolled her eyes as she took a sip of her white wine, while they waited for Rachel to speak. “

Well it was a lot of phone time, a lot of persuasion and the mention of my boss,” Rachel said shrugging before taking a sip of her own wine.

Karla grinned and looked down at her menu, and bit her lip, she was happy that Rachel had changed her mind about coming.

They didn’t have to wait long before they till their waiter reappeared, allowing them all to place their orders.

“So that’s two Sea Robins, three Red Mullet’s, one Pigeon from Navarra and a Duck Liver?” he said as they finished making their orders making Rachel nod before he disappeared. Leona grinned at Rachel.

“I do believe it is time for the first maid of honour Speech,” she said making Rachel glare at her while the others all cheered lightly. Rachel sighed and shook her head.

“Okay… okay… let me see; Karla we’ve known each other for nearly ten years now. I can’t believe that you’re getting married in less than a week and moving half way round the world… I wish you and Adam the best luck and happiness in the world; and if Leona’s planning has anything to do with it… you’ll be hung over like hell tomorrow,” Rachel said making the others laugh and cheer at the end of her speech.


The meal was pretty much un-eventful, after that as they were served their meals and later deserts; before they headed off to the first few clubs around the Restaurant before they headed to Palacio Gaviria.

Rachel grinned as they slipped into the club before Marc demanded that they get him drunk immediately making the girls laugh as they found a table; since he already was drunk and currently couldn’t stand up straight by himself.

No sooner as they had arrived at their table, than Leona and Rosa had announced they were heading the bar to get drinks in. Rachel looked at Karla who was already mostly drunk.

“I’m going to be so hung over tomorrow,” Karla moaned making Rachel laugh; not wanting to say I told you so.

While Marc was doing a strange little dance next to their table with a drunken Tara, who was holding onto him so she could stay standing up.

“You won’t be the only one,” Rachel said as she spotted Leona and Rosa returning with a tray of drinks, and grins plastered on their faces.

Marc was quick to hand Rachel her Vodka and Red Bull Mixer and two shots, making her grin before she downed the two shots and then started on her Vodka Red Bull.

Suddenly there was a cheer from the other side of the bar, as someone announced that several Real Madrid Players had entered the club, making Marc look round eagerly.

Rachel grinned while Tara who was wasted by this point used Mark to continue to stand up.

“I bet they’re not even that good looking,” she said nearly falling to the floor. Rachel snorted as she quickly glanced over at the players knowing that, they weren’t that bad to look at.

“I don’t know about that Tara… Rach seems to be checking them out,” Marc teased making the brunette blush slightly as she looked back at him.

Tara laughed and this time did fall to the floor, making Rachel and Marc grin as they realised she was completely drunk.

“Won’t Saint Evan mind?” Tara asked as Marc helped her back to her feet, making Rachel snort at the thought of Evan as a Saint; she shrugged as she did she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as if someone was watching her.


It was nearing three o’clock in the morning and Rachel and a few of the others were still at Palacio Gaviria while Karla and Tara had gone back to the Hotel.

Rachel was currently talking to some guys she had met at the bar; who looked strangely familiar to her but she couldn’t place the faces while she was as drunk as she was.

One of the men, a tall Portuguese had his arm wrapped around her waist and was holding the brunette to him while they talked to his two Spanish friends.

“So you’re American?” the taller Spaniard asked as he took a sip from his drink, he watched her curiously as she nodded her head and leant against the Portuguese.

“Yep and I have a boyfriend,” she said smiling to herself for at least remembering Evan while she was as drunk as she was.

The brunette wasn’t the type to drink and always had a habit of mentioning her boyfriend whenever she had the chance.

The Portuguese glanced around and smirked before he pressed his lips to her neck then whispered into her ear.

“And he left you here all alone?” he asked making Rachel shiver as his warm breath hit her neck.

Rachel shook her head as she attempted to clear the dirty thoughts from her mind, she wasn’t going to do anything stupid and she was sure that Evan would be proud of her since she wasn’t doing anything that he wouldn’t do.

The Portuguese tightened his grip on Rachel’s waist as he glanced at his friends, he had been dragged there on a team night out while his girlfriend was away; he didn’t know what it was but there was something about the brunette that he liked.

“He’s back in Miami… work was more important than my friend’s wedding,” she said with a shrug making the Portuguese raise an eyebrow at the hint of bitterness in her voice.

 He didn’t like how sad she seemed and he wished there was a way to make her feel better.

The two Spaniards that he was with chuckled as they watched him, they had never seen him like this before and it had them wondering what it was about the brunette.

From the moment that he had set eyes on her, he had claimed her for the night; no one else had even had a look in and their friend had even driven off a couple of their team-mates so that he could have her.

There was one thing clear and that was their Portuguese friend was possessive when he’d had a drink.

Rachel took a sip of her drink as the Portuguese quickly said something to his friends in a language that Rachel didn’t completely understand making them roll their eyes, but they nodded and quickly left them alone.

The man knocked back the last of his drink before his lips were urgently against Rachel’s and he held her to his chest.

“Let’s go back to my hotel room,” he whispered making the brunette nod unsure what she was agreeing to.

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