Chapter Twenty-Four: Here Comes Trouble

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At twenty-eight weeks pregnant, Rachel was glad that her pregnancy was going well; however with the progress that her pregnancy made there were some downsides, now she suffered from back pain most of the time due to the weight the twins created.

Rachel glared at Cristiano who had convinced her to spend the day relaxing in the living room; he wanted her to relax as much as possible before their twins would come into the world and stressed her out.

“It’s for the best,” Cristiano said making her roll her eyes, he had taken some time off training so that he could spend the day with her and Junior; he didn’t want anything happening to her even with the threat of Daniella coming back into his life.

“Now if you need anything just give me a call,” Cristiano said as he set a snack in front of her and kissed her gently, he smiled at her before he left the living room and pulled his phone out of his pocket as it started to ring.

The footballer didn’t hesitate as he ignored the call; over the last ten weeks Daniella had become more instant that she wished to see him again and had even taken to calling Jorge in an attempt to try to reason with him about seeing her son and the footballer again.

Cristiano knew he should tell Rachel about Junior’s mother getting in contact with him, but he couldn’t; he didn’t want to upset his girlfriend of six months with that sort of news.

Cristiano made his way into the kitchen before he started to call Jorge, he knew that his agent would have some sort of idea of how to make Daniella disappear again; he didn’t want her turning up at his home.

“Jorge I need you to make her go away,” he said desperately, he didn’t want Daniella finding a way out of her Gag-Order so that she could speak to the press and if she came to Madrid she’d more than likely seek out Rachel.

Hearing Jorge sigh, Cristiano waited for his agent to speak, he hoped that his agent had some good news; he was aware that Daniella was a pest and she needed to be dealt with now.

“I don’t know what I can do Ronaldo… she’s already arranged to move to Madrid; the best I can suggest is that you tell Rachel before Daniella gets to her,” Jorge told him making Cristiano frown and groan knowing that he was right; he just wished that there was an easier way for him to do this without upsetting Rachel.

Getting off the phone, Cristiano waited several moments before he sighed and looked towards the living room where he knew that Rachel was sat unaware that anything was wrong.


Unknown to Cristiano or Jorge, Daniella was already in Madrid and was currently sat facing Karla and Amber who had helped arranged for her to come to Madrid.

They had been working on this since Rachel had turned her back on Karla and were thrilled that this might actually work.

“I can’t thank you enough for contacting me,” Daniella said smiling at the other two women; Karla smiled at her sweetly while Amber waved her hand as if it was nothing at all, they hadn’t told her the real reason why they had brought her to Madrid.

“It’s no problem at all… I mean, Rachel doesn’t even like children so god knows how your poor child is being raised,” Amber said innocently as she told Daniella another lie, she needed her on side if she wanted this to work in her favour and she knew that no one could suspect why she was really doing this.

Daniella nodded sadly, thankful that she had been contacted by the two women before her so she could save Cristiano and their son from the horrible things Amber had told her about Rachel.

“It’s true… I don’t think Cristiano’s spent any time with him since Rachel arrived… she keeps him all to herself,” Karla added making Daniella look down sadly at her drink, she couldn’t believe Cristiano had ended up with someone so selfish when he was so kind and thoughtful.

As she looked down at her drink, Amber and Karla grinned at each other knowing that she had no idea that she was just a tool; if Rachel wasn’t going to let them in on her life then they’d just have to take her fame from her.


Cristiano slowly approached Rachel and set down a cold drink in front of her, Rachel looked at him confused by his wary expression; she knew that something had been bothering him lately and it worried her.

“Cris?” she asked softly sensing that there was something bothering him; Cristiano sighed and sat on the coffee table before her, he watched her wondering how she would take the news that he was about to tell her.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” he said making Rachel look at him concerned, Cristiano ran a hand threw his hair before he looked at her again, his light brown eyes piercing hers.

Rachel nodded her head as she sipped on her drink, she tilted her head curious about what was upsetting him; she hated to think that something serious had happened and he hadn’t told her about.

“I don’t want you to get upset… she means nothing to me,” Cristiano started by reassuring her; Rachel bit her lip wondering what was going on, she knew something had been bothering him over the last few weeks and she now knew that it wasn’t going to be pleasant.

“Daniella wants to come back… she wants to start over with myself and Junior,” he said making Rachel’s eyes widen as she looked over at him; Cristiano was quick to shake his head knowing what she was thinking and he didn’t want her thinking like that.

“I don’t want her Rachel… she’s only interested in the money and getting what she wants,” Cristiano replied as he moved to sit next to Rachel, he hated that he was telling her this but he knew that it was for the best in case Daniella did something rash.

Cristiano took her hands in his as he tried to comfort the brunette; Rachel looked at her boyfriend wondering what she was going to do, she didn’t want to be involved in any sort of fight especially with someone like Daniella.

“I love you Rachel… only you,” he promised her, his eyes still locked on hers; Rachel nodded and leant into Cristiano hoping that Daniella wasn’t planning on coming here and destroying her happiness, she didn’t like the woman as it was.

“Rach… she’s here in Madrid and there’s only so much I can do,” the footballer said sadly as if reading her thoughts, he watched her knowing that she was hurting because of this but it was better to have it all out in the air now so that Daniella couldn’t use it against him.

“What will we do?” she asked softly making Cristiano’s heart clench, he sighed as he pulled back after he had cuddled her close so that he could see her properly.

“We carry on, I don’t care what Daniella does, I love you, I love our unborn twins, and I love Junior… that’s all that matters,” he said making tears fill her eyes; Cristiano rolled his eyes, knowing it was probably the hormones that were causing her to tear up.

“I love you,” she replied before allowing Cristiano to kiss her, Cristiano smiled into the kiss; nothing would hurt them and he wasn’t going to allow anything to hurt them in the future.

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