Chapter Twenty-Three: Discovering the Gender

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Rachel was a little surprised how fast the days seemed to pass and before she knew it she was eighteen weeks pregnant.

The brunette spent most of her time with Junior and when she got the chance she would meet Sara for lunch since the two had become close friends.

Cristiano bounced Junior on his knee while their midwife Fiona checked Rachel over, she smiled up at Cristiano and Rachel; she knew that they were nervous and she didn’t blame them.

“So would you like to know the sex of the twins?” Fiona asked making Cristiano and Rachel look at one another before they both nodded; they had been wondering for weeks now and they couldn't wait any longer.

The midwife chuckled as she checked everything once more before she nodded her head and looked at the couple.

“Congratulations… it’s a boy and a girl,” she responded with a smile as she carefully closed the folder and smiled before she left the room to collect some leaflets that Rachel would need for classes and other information for the couple.

Rachel looked up at Cristiano who was smiling down at her.

“We’re having a little boy... and a little girl,” the footballer said as Junior started to get fussy making him sigh and look at the eight month old.

Rachel sighed as she turned her attention to the little boy, who had recently started to act out whenever Cristiano was near him or holding him; it was clear that something was upsetting him since he had never acted like this before.

“Maybe it’s time to start disciplining him,” Cristiano mused making Rachel nod as she wiped the gel from her stomach from when she’d had a scan; the babies had both looked perfectly healthy and were slowly getting bigger.

“What?” Rachel asked as she noticed the smile that was forming on her boyfriend’s face as she stroked her bump; she tilted her head curiously wondering what had made him look so happy.

“You look so beautiful,” Cristiano said with a smile on his lips before he brushed some hair from her face, Rachel raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend wondering what was going on; she tilted her head as she watched him before the midwife came back in.

The brunette was wearing a grey maternity lace shoulder jumper and zip pocket slim leg jeans paired with black heeled boots , she had started to wear maternity clothes since the bump was getting a little too big for her normal clothes.


Arriving home, Rachel was quick to avoid the gossip channel that came on when she turned on the living room television; she found little amusement in how the press made things up about her and Cristiano.

The footballer settled his son into the playpen making Rachel smile softly as she watched her boyfriend; she knew that he was starting to get a little annoyed with how Junior was acting out lately, he was completely calm for the brunette and would only act out for his father. 

“If you think this is bad... wait until he hits the terrible twos,” she joked making Cristiano nod defeated at her, he wasn’t sure what he was doing wrong but it was like his son didn't want to be with him; the brunette ran her fingers through Cristiano to calm him making Cristiano close his eyes and lean in to her touch.

Rachel smiled knowing that things were only going to get more difficult when the twins were born; she shifted slightly to make herself more comfortable making Cristiano look at her concerned.

“You okay?” Cristiano asked gently resting a hand on the bum, he knew that the twins would be moving around a little more soon and he hoped that they didn't make their mother to uncomfortable.

“I’m fine... just it’s hard to get comfortable with someone pressed against your bladder,” she said making Cristiano chuckle lightly making Rachel roll her eyes; he pressed a kiss to her lips and gently rubbed her stomach.

“How about you relax in here and I’ll make some lunch for the three of us,” Cristiano said kissing her one more time before he stood and made his way into the kitchen; he was prepared to do anything to make things easier for her.

As soon as he stepped into the kitchen his mobile phone started to ring; the footballer groaned annoyed as he quickly answered it as he started to make some lunch.

“Olá?” He asked when he didn’t recognise the number as he prepared some sandwiches; he didn't know who would have his number if he didn't have their number saved into his phone.

“Hello is this Cristiano?” said a voice that made Cristiano’s blood run cold, he had never thought that he would hear that voice again and he stopped what he was doing as he tried to figure out how she had gotten his number; he had changed it after he had gotten rid of her.

“Daniella, how did you get this number?” he asked making the woman on the other end of the phone laugh lightly as if it was obvious, it made Cristiano worry about why she was getting in touch; she had gotten what she wanted and he didn't know what would make her call him.

“I want you to see you and Junior, Cris… I don’t want to be alone anymore,” she said sadly making Cristiano frown at her words; she had avoided his question and it was clear that she wanted something more.

It took him a few seconds before Cristiano figured out what she was after, he gritted his teeth annoyed as he continued to make lunch; he couldn't believe that she thought she could just waltz back into his life like this.

“So you’ve seen me and Rachel in the news then,” Cristiano said annoyed that she was keeping an eye on his life; he didn't want her knowing anything about him after the stunts that she had pulled.

“That could be us Cris… you, me and our son,” Daniella said not recalling what Cristiano had named the child she had given birth to for a moment; she was more interested in getting back in with the footballer.

Cristiano ran a hand through his hair, he didn't know what had made her think that she could just come back; she had made nine months of his life a living hell and he didn't intend on letting her come back again after the trouble that she had caused.

“Don’t call this number again… I’m not interested,” Cristiano spat before he hung up his mobile and set it on the counter; he wasn’t sure what to make of what she had said but he was sure that this wasn’t the last that he had heard from Daniella.

Heading back into the living room with lunch, Cristiano forced a smile so that his girlfriend wouldn’t notice that something had upset him; the brunette was watching some cookery show that was on.

“Everything okay?” she asked making Cristiano smile and nod as he moved to sit next to her after he had given Junior his lunch; the footballer handed Rachel, her sandwich before he sat down next to her and wrapped her in his arms.

Cristiano wouldn’t tell her right now about the call that he had taken, he didn't want to upset her in anyway; Daniella would get bored when she learnt that Cristiano wasn’t going to give her what she wanted, not this time.

The footballer had suffered enough the first time and this time he had something that he would fight for; he wouldn’t allow Daniella to taint his life again.

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