Chapter Two: Exploring the City

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Please,” Marc said pouting as Rachel prepared to leave the hotel to explore, she smiled at her best friend knowing that he wanted her to come with him; however there was no way that she was going to give up her day of sight-seeing for shopping.

“Maybe next time,” the brunette said as she made sure that she had everything that she needed before Marc sighed annoyed that he hadn’t been able to convince her to come with him; Rachel laughed as he complained about not having a normal friend.

“You’ll be careful?” Marc asked as he finally gave up on the idea of dragging her shopping, his blue eyes watched her as she nodded her head before she kissed his cheek and smiled at him.

Rachel knew that he was just worried about her, she had been a little quiet since their talk that morning about her non-engagement and she knew that he had caught onto the fact that she wasn’t happy about it.

“I have my phone with me,” Rachel said showing up the device before she slipped it into her pocket, she stepped out of her hotel room followed by Marc, who pursed his lips as he watched her lock the door.

“Okay, so you know the drill… don’t talk to strangers, don’t get into any cars that don’t look like taxis, don’t leave any drinks unattended,” Marc said making Rachel smile and laugh softly, he smiled at her worried that there was really something bothering her.

The brunette flashed him one more smile before she started to walk towards the elevator; she wanted some time to herself and she was sure that Madrid would take her mind off her struggling relationship.


Rachel had to admit, that Madrid was a very beautiful city, she had spent the better part of four hours just walking around and she was still amazed by the city.

The brunette brushed some hair from her face as she started to walk down one of the backstreets of the city, which was pretty deserted for the hour of the day.

As she started to walk down the street, Rachel heard someone rushing behind her, making her look back and frown as she saw a man in expensive clothes running down the street.

Rachel wondered what he could be running from as she continued on her way, sticking close to the wall so she wasn’t in his way and he could easily pass her.

However she didn’t make it far before someone covered her mouth and pulled her into the side alleyways.

Rachel struggled the best she could against the person, who was a good several inches taller than her; she couldn't believe that this was happening to her.

The man pinned her against the wall held her still while he watched the entrance to the shaded alleyway in which they were in.

Rachel shivered as she noticed an expensive watch on his wrist making her realise it was the expensively dressed man she had seen before; she tried to keep her panic at bay as she wondered what was going on.

The man watched as after a few moments several members of the press and a few women ran passed the alley not noticing the pair in the shadows; it was clear that they looking for him.

They waited for a few more seconds before the man sighed in relief as he realised he had escaped the people who were chasing him.

However his relief faded as he remembered Rachel and groaned, making Rachel freeze wondering what he would do now that there was no chance of anyone discovering them.

“Don’t scream,” he said softly as he slowly released her, the man stepped back before glancing down the alleyway while Rachel slowly turned to look at him.

Rachel looked at the man before her, who stood around 6”1 tall and was a deep tanned; she raised an eyebrow wondering why he had released her.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t want them to find me,” he said with a strong accent that Rachel recognised but couldn’t place.

She nodded and looked down at her phone as it started to ring, but when she looked back at the man had disappeared completely without a trace.

Rachel leant against the wall trying to process what had happened ignoring the ringing of her phone; she didn't understand why he had done what he had even if he was trying to hide.

Rachel shook her head as she gave up trying to figure out why he had grabbed her only to release her; the brunette looked down at her phone, only to discover a text from Marc.


Returning to the Ritz hotel, Rachel decided it was better not to tell her friends about what happened that day; she didn’t want them worrying over nothing and she wanted to forget what had happened.

Stepping into her hotel room, Rachel quickly started preparing herself for the night out; which included showering and washing her hair, making sure she was shaved and had moisturised her long tanned legs, drying and styling her hair and finally doing her natural make-up before she selected her dress for the night.

Rachel was just finishing straightening her hair when Marc came into the room, he was wearing a set of dark jeans and a black shirt making Rachel roll her eyes; she knew why he had come to her room and she wasn’t really that surprised.

Marc ignored her and walked straight over to her wardrobe and started to look through her dresses that Rachel had brought with her; she laughed softly knowing what he was trying to do.

“Need any help?” she asked making her best friend shake his head as he looked through the dresses that she had brought with her.

He wanted her to look stunning for their night out and he couldn’t allow her to dress like she usually did.

Marc stopped what he was doing for several seconds as he glanced from Rachel to the dress he was holding and shook his head before he threw the dress onto the floor making the brunette sigh annoyed that she’d have to tidy up.

It was typical of Marc to want to play dress up with Rachel, since they had known each other for years and he never approved in her choice of clothing; he grinned at her as he finally found a dress that he liked.

“Okay you’re wearing this,” he said throwing the dress at Rachel who laughed as she stood up and slipped into the bathroom to put on her dress while Marc looked at the heels that she had brought with her.

As soon as Rachel was back in the room, Marc had decided what heels would be best suited for the dress and a bag that she could accessories with.

After finished styling her dark brown hair which Rachel had slightly straightened and added some natural make-up.

The two headed outside to meet up with the others, who were waiting in Karla’s room.

Tara grinned at Rachel as she entered the room with Marc, as she was holding bachelorette banners for everyone to wear; Rachel grinned when she spotted Karla in a white jersey pleat detail dress with a Learning ‘L’ already attached to her.

The girls had decided to dress nicely since they would be heading to several up-scale clubs after their meal.

“Let’s get this party started,” Leona sang making the other laugh realising she had already started to drink.

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