Epilogue: It's Finally Time

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Cristiano, Roz and Bernie weren't surprised that when they finally arrived at the hospital that Rachel had a few colourful words to say to them for taking so long to get there.

"Where the hell have you all been?" Rachel shouted as they were shown to her private hospital room by one of the nurses.

Roz rolled her eyes at her daughter before she started to sooth her while Cristiano looked at Rachel nervously, he wasn't sure that he was prepared for this.

"You... this is all your fault, you did this to me," Rachel seethed as she glared at her boyfriend making him swallow nervously while Bernie chuckled, giving Cristiano's shoulder a squeeze he told him to just smile and nod and not to pay much attention to her right now.

Fiona chuckled at the look on Cristiano's face before she turned her attention to Rachel who groaned softly in pain; the moment the sound left Rachel's lips, Cristiano looked at Fiona desperately.

"Can I have the epidural?" he asked her desperately making Roz and Bernie look at him oddly while Fiona laughed and shook her head a she turned her attention to Rachel only for the footballer to stop her.

"No seriously... give me the epidural," he said glancing at Rachel who was back to taking deep breathes; he hated seeing her in this much pain and he wasn't sure how he would deal with her giving birth to the twins.

Fiona patted the obvious distressed Cristiano, before she started to check Rachel out; smiling up at the brunette knowing that they wouldn't have to wait long for the birth.

"Okay 10cm... you're about to become a madre," Fiona said making Cristiano look at her panicked, he suddenly felt faint as he realised that this was really happening.

Roz chuckled as she patted Cristiano on the back as she moved to take Rachel's hand while Bernie stepped outside; shaking Cristiano slowly approached Rachel and took her left hand in his.

No sooner had Cristiano taken Rachel's hand, Cristiano winced at the pressure that Rachel applied to it; Fiona quickly got to work with telling Rachel when she need to push and Roz started to try to help her daughter as much as she could.

"I can see a head..." Fiona chimed making Roz smile at Rachel while Cristiano started to lose colour in his face, he hadn't been in the room when Junior had been born so he had no idea what to expect.

It wasn't long before the desperate cries of the first twin filled the room, and Fiona was quick to show Rachel and Cristiano the new-born.

"It's a girl," the midwife said making Rachel sigh slightly in relief as she tried to relax while Fiona handed the newborn over to one of the nurses to be cleaned up.

However no sooner had Rachel taken a relaxing breath than Cristiano had hit the floor, making the nurses all look at him shocked; Rachel glared at the Portuguese while Roz started to laugh.

"Oh no you don't... get your ass up off the floor; you're not getting any sleep before me... this is your entire fault," Rachel ranted before she was struck by another contraction; she couldn't believe that he had fainted while she was in labour.

Roz smirked before moving to help the nurses, who were helping Cristiano to his unsteady feet; she was a little taken back that he had managed to faint like that.

"I have a little girl," he whispered as Fiona told Rachel that the next contraction would be in twenty seconds; the footballer swallowed as he looked at his girlfriend knowing that she needed him.

Roz patted him on the back before she moved back to her daughter, who was glaring at Cristiano; she still couldn't believe that he had managed to faint as he took her hand again and allowed her to squeeze it.

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