Chapter Twenty-Five: Unexpected Threats

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Cristiano and Rachel were enjoying a stroll down one of the backstreets of the city, which was pretty deserted for the hour of the day; the brunette was thirty-two weeks pregnant and was starting to get a lot bigger.

Cristiano was enjoying his day off and had insisted that it would be good for them to get out while they still could and since Iker was watching Junior for a couple of hours, he was determined to enjoy some quiet time with Rachel.

Cristiano smiled to himself as they walked down the street making Rachel raise an eyebrow at him; she was wearing a navy maternity lace stripe tee and maternity skinny jeans paired with black wedge peep toe shoes.

“I was remembering the last time I was in this street,” he replied making Rachel look at him intrigued, she wondered what had made him think about something like that while they were together. Cristiano stopped by a shadowy alley way and looked at her.

“It was the day I met you… I had just finished lunch with Jorge when I was overcome by some press and crazed fans,” he said while Rachel listened intently as she thought about what he had said.

She nibbled on her lip as she remember the street they were walking down herself and what had happened.

“I was running down this street to get away from them when I saw this woman glance at me… I didn’t know what else to do but hide and since I knew she had seen me, well I sort of pulled her into this alleyway,” he said, Rachel looked at Cristiano amused as she realised what he was talking about.

Cristiano saw the look on her face and frowned, not sure what his girlfriend was thinking; he didn’t want her thinking anything bad when it was all completely innocent.

“That was you?” she asked making him even more confused, he started to think he had grabbed one of her friends; Cristiano wondered if he would be able to convince her that it was an accident when the brunette grinned at him and continued talking.

“You told her not to scream and that you were sorry but you didn’t want them to find you,” she said making Cristiano even more confused but he nodded, he didn’t know how she knew what he had said; he doubted that any of her friends would have remembered that.

“The woman you dragged into the alleyway was me,” she replied making Cristiano look at her surprised before it hit him; it had been Rachel that he had grabbed, as he realised this Cristiano started to smile, he quickly pressed a kiss to Rachel’s lips.

“I thought you were a rapist or something,” she admitted making Cristiano chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her and continued walking.


The two soon stopped at a small café so Rachel could rest a little and to have some lunch; Cristiano looked at his phone and groaned before he gave Rachel a quick kiss to the lips.

“It’s Jorge, I have to take this… I’ll be right back,” the footballer said before slipping away leaving Rachel alone; he had no sooner gone and someone had approached the table where the brunette was sat.

“I want you to leave him,” the woman said with a cockney accent making Rachel look at her confused however the moment she looked at the woman carefully she realised who the woman was.

Daniella had been following Rachel and Cristiano all morning waiting for the moment that Cristiano would leave the brunette’s side so that she could approach her and get rid of her.

“You need to back the hell off and leave him and my son alone… I’m back now and I’m not going anywhere; me and Cristiano can form the family we were supposed to be,” Daniella said while Rachel watched her talk, she couldn’t help but think that the ebony haired woman was insane for thinking that she could just walk back into his life like that.

Daniella smiled at Rachel softly and squeezed her hand, she knew that she would do anything for her family and that Cristiano could do better than the brunette that was stealing him away from his son.

“No offence Daniella but were where you the last 10 months of your son’s life? Cristiano and Junior don’t need nor want you,” Rachel said making Daniella frown for a second; however she soon smirked and looked down at Rachel’s swollen belly knowing that she could make her easily walk away.

Rachel rested her hands on top of her belly making Daniella’s smirk deepen, she didn’t know what it was but she couldn’t shake the feeling that the other woman was dangerous.

“You might want to be careful then… I would hate to see you ‘trip’ down some stairs,” she said stressing the word trip making Rachel glare at her; she knew that the other woman was a threat but she hadn’t thought that she would threaten her.

Daniella stood from her chair and moved past Rachel before she went she leant close to Rachel’s ear so that she could whisper in it.

“I’m good at making things look like accidents,” she said before strutting off leaving a pale Rachel behind, Daniella knew that the brunette wasn’t going to be around for much longer.


“Can we go home?” Rachel almost begged Cristiano when he returned from taking his phone call, the footballer looked at her confused wondering what was going on; he stared at her concerned as the brunette looked down at her hands.

“It’s nothing… I just want to go home,” Rachel said desperately, she was shaken from her encounter with Daniella and she didn’t want to tell him that the other woman had come to her and threatened her.

“We aren’t going anywhere, not till you tell me what is wrong,” Cristiano said gently stroking her cold hands; Rachel looked at him desperately; she knew she couldn’t tell him here without him freaking out.

“Please Cris not here,” Rachel said making the Portuguese frown wondering what was bothering her so much, he hated that she was pushing him away and he squeezed her hands.

“Promise me you won’t freak out,” she said carefully making Cristiano look at her concerned, she waited for him to respond before Cristiano realised she was serious; he wondered what was so serious that she was making him promise like this.

“I promise… what’s going on?” the footballer asked her, Rachel waited for a few seconds before she spoke carefully, she knew that Cristiano wasn’t going to be happy when she told him what had happened.

“Daniella was here,” she said making Cristiano take a deep breath and close his eyes, he couldn’t believe that Daniella had approached her while he was gone; he didn’t like the idea that she could do so without him knowing.

“Rachel what did she say to you?” he asked making the brunette chew on her lower lip, she looked away from him as Cristiano sighed and rested a hand on her stomach and made her look at him.

Rachel looked at him as tears filled her eyes, she knew that she was probably over reacting but she couldn’t stop herself; she had never been frightened like this before and she didn’t like it.

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