Chapter Eighteen: The Truth

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After Cristiano had checked on his son, he and Rachel sat in the living room to talk; the footballer sighed and looked at Rachel who waited patiently for him to speak, he knew that she wanted answers.

“Daniella is Cristiano’s Mãe,” he said making Rachel raise an eyebrow, she had a feeling that this was going to be interesting and she was sure that she needed to know this now rather than later; the brunette crossed her arms as she nodded at him to continue.

“It was October last year… I was going through a rough time and I met Daniella while at a bar with some friends. Needless to say, she ended up pregnant,” Cristiano said realising how much it sounded like Rachel and him; however he knew that this was all completely different.

Rachel nodded trying not to compare her relationship with Cristiano, to the one he had had with Daniella; she had a feeling that there was a reason that the other woman wasn’t around now.

“When I discovered she was pregnant, I made a promise to her that I would be there for her and our baby. I never loved her like I love you. She was a student in America, though she was English,” Cristiano said wanting to reassure her that what they had wasn’t anything like Daniella and him; he didn’t want to lose her over a miss understanding.

Rachel swallowed as she watched her boyfriend, she knew that none of this was easy for him but she needed to know before she committed herself completely.

“She wanted a relationship that I couldn’t give her nor wanted… and when she figured it out, she started to threaten to abort her pregnancy if I didn’t give her money,” the footballer said softly Rachel frowned wondering what sort of woman would do that.

“When it got passed the 23rd week, she started to threaten that she’d give him away… I tried so hard to make her happy, but she was more interested in the money she could make from having Junior,” he said bitterly, Rachel moved closer to Cristiano making him smile softly at her; he was glad that she wasn’t pushing him away.

Rachel didn’t know what sort of woman would want to sell their baby, it was like selling their soul and she knew that Cristiano had suffered for this.

“When Junior was born, she threatened to give him away unless I gave her £10 million. I didn’t want to lose my son so I did; I then had her sign some legal document signing all of her parental rights to me… I haven’t seen or heard from her since,” Cristiano said making Rachel look at him sadly; Daniella had used Junior, her own son, as a meal ticket to become rich.

“She doesn’t want anything to do with Junior, Rachel… so when I told you she was a surrogate; it’s only because that’s how me and my family see her… she’s living the life she wants even if she can’t tell people how she got there,” Cristiano said shrugging making Rachel sigh and look at him carefully.

The brunette nibbled on her lip as she processed what Cristiano had told her, it had given her a lot to think about and she knew that she was going to have to adjust to her changing role in his life.


“He doesn’t bite,” Cristiano said glancing over at Rachel, as he balanced Junior on his hip; Rachel rolled her eyes at him, she was a little nervous about meeting his son especially since she wasn’t sure how to deal with him yet. “

Just think 9 months from now we’ll have another mouth to feed,” she said making Cristiano look at Rachel and smile; he was glad he hadn’t frightened her away.

Junior looked at Rachel confused making Cristiano sigh as he shifted his son lightly before he moved towards Rachel who frowned at him.

“You’ll have to do this at some point,” Cristiano said making her sigh as he stood next to her with Junior; Cristiano looked down at Junior who was still staring at Rachel.

“Cristiano… this is Rachel,” he said making the brunette roll her eyes, as he slowly nodded at Rachel.

Carefully handing Junior to Rachel, Cristiano smiled at the feeling that filled him as he watched Rachel hold his son.

Rachel seemed like a natural when it came to holding Junior, and Junior himself seemed relaxed in her arms unlike when Irina would hold him.

Cristiano moved to check Junior’s bottle making Rachel look at the child thoughtfully.

“How come he wasn’t here last time?” she asked thoughtfully making Cristiano glance at her; he was surprised that she had worked out that the little boy hadn’t been here three weeks ago.

“Irina didn’t like him being around, she doesn’t like children,” Cristiano said with a shrug making Rachel look at him confused; she didn’t understand how he could date someone who didn’t like children when he was a father himself.

Cristiano chuckled as he moved back towards Rachel and gently lifted

Junior from her arms; Rachel watched him as he settled Junior back on his hip and offered him the bottle.

The three of them slowly moved back into living room, so they could continue to talk about what was going to happen now; Rachel knew that they had a long way to go before they had a baby of their own and she wanted them to be prepared.


Karla pursed her lips as she sat in a café in Madrid, she had flown in from Barcelona when she had heard from Leona that Rachel was now dating a world famous footballer; she knew that this would be the perfect boost for her own career if she was seen with the couple.

The blonde had spent days trying to get in contact with Rachel, who for some reason had changed her mobile number and she knew that she needed to be quick if she wanted to latch onto the brunette’s rising star.

Flipping through the magazine that she had bought, Karla pursed her lips as she looked at the pictures of Cristiano and Rachel that were flashed over the cover and several pages inside; she couldn’t understand how the brunette had gotten so lucky.

Karla had even called in a favor from Rosa, who had been able to find out that Rachel was now living in Madrid with the footballer; she knew that she would have to focus if she wanted to become famous.

Things in Barcelona weren’t taking off for her and since the wedding, Adam had been focused on his own career and hadn’t been pleased when she had told him that she was flying out to the Spanish capital; he had tried to talk her out of it but she refused to listen.

The blonde sipped on her drink as she gazed at the pictures, she had never thought that Rachel was built for the life of a WAG; she had always thought that she would be the one to do something like this before she had found Adam.

Karla closed the magazine as she thought about what she would do when she tracked Rachel down, she knew that it wasn’t going to be easy but she doubted that Rachel could hide away forever; she just had to wait for the right moment.

Karla sighed as she looked out of her window at the rainy streets of Madrid, she knew that once she had gotten back in Rachel’s good graces then she was going to launch the designer career that she had always wanted.

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