Chapter Fourteen: Meet The Fockers

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Rachel slowly opened her eyes, making the man smile at her while he gently stroked her cheek with his thumb; he knew that what he had done was risky especially since it was mid-season but he couldn’t let her go like that.

“What are you doing here?” she asked softly not sure if he was really here with her or if she had fallen asleep and was dreaming; she knew that there was no way that he could be with her right now.

“I couldn’t let you walk away,” Cristiano said honestly making Rachel smile as he kissed her, the passing of an airhostess caused him to pull away; he didn’t want anyone taking pictures of them in a private moment, it was different when he made a public show of his feelings for her.

Rachel rolled her eyes as he took her hand and pressed a kiss to it, she smiled softly wondering what she had done to deserved a man like this; she had never felt so special before.

“How long have you had this planned?” the brunette asked making Cristiano smile, he knew that he had some explaining to do; he had already cleared things with Jose, who was surprising supportive of him taking time off from their busy season.

“Since last night when I was watching you sleep… I called Jose before I got on the flight to confirm that I was going away for two weeks,” Cristiano said hoping that in that time he would be able to work something out with Rachel; he had never done anything like this before for anyone.


The eighteen hour flight was over quicker than the couple thought, and soon they had arrived at Miami International Airport.

Rachel stretched as Cristiano put his sunglasses and baseball cap back on; the two waited until most of the passengers had disembarked before they made their move.

Rachel and Cristiano made their way off of the plane and started towards the airport, Cristiano seemed nervous as they passed through security.

“Where are you staying?” he asked, he knew that Rachel had lived with Evan prior to their break up; but now that they had broken up, he didn’t want Rachel going back to an apartment where Evan was waiting for her.

“I’m staying with my parents,” Rachel said as she tried to spot her suitcase, she nibbled on her lip as she looked at Cristiano; she doubted that he had planned this far and she wondered where he would be staying.

“What about you?” the brunette asked making Cristiano shrug as he picked up Rachel’s navy suitcase and placed it at her feet, he knew that he had forgotten something when he had planned to follow her half way around the world.

“You didn’t plan that far did you?” Rachel said teasing the footballer, who shook his head as he picked up his own suitcase; he smiled at her knowing that he wouldn’t rather be anywhere else in the world and that nothing else mattered to him.

“I don’t think my parents would mind if you stayed with us,” Rachel said making Cristiano smile at her as they approached the waiting area of the airport.

He was a little grateful since he didn’t want the press finding him in Miami during the season since it would cause him some trouble especially since he was meant to be injured.

“Rachel,” a woman squealed before Rachel was pulled into a hug by her mother, Cristiano watched as the woman continued to hug his new girlfriend; he stared at her confused wondering who she was and why she was hugging the brunette.

“Mum,” Rachel squeezed out making Cristiano pale slightly, he had never done well when it came to meeting his girlfriend’s parents; he always seemed to say the same thing or they judged him on what the media said about him.

Rosalind Focker pulled back from her daughter and smiled, she was thrilled to have her home now especially since she had never liked Evan; she had always thought he was beneath her little girl.

“I knew there was something odd about that Evan… Marc says you met someone. Who is he?” Roz said not missing a beat making Rachel roll her eyes and glance at Cristiano; she knew that her mother was always happy for her.

Roz frowned and followed her daughters gaze until it landed on Cristiano, her green eyes widened and she quickly looked back at her daughter.

“Your father’s going to have a field day,” Roz said simply before she turned her attention to Cristiano who looked at Rachel confused; he knew that the brunette hadn’t known who he was when they had first met.  

“I’m Roz Focker, Rachel’s mother,” Roz said sweetly, she knew that there was something about the man before her that she liked and she was sure that she would find out what it was soon.

“I can see where Rachel gets her good looks from… I’m Cristiano,” he said taking Roz’s hand and pressing a kiss to it, Roz seemed to swoon as she smiled at the Portuguese making Rachel groan under her breath.

Cristiano looked at Rachel who shook her head, making him raise an eyebrow at her; it was at that moment that Rachel’s father Bernard Focker appeared.

Roz watched as her husband’s eyes locked on Cristiano, and his mouth fell open making Cristiano shift uncomfortably; he was had one parent who disliked him and he hoped that this wasn’t going to cause trouble.

“Oh My God,” he said looking at his wife and daughter, who shook their heads knowing what was going to happen; Rachel moved closer to Cristiano who looked at her concerned.

“I should have mentioned my dad’s your biggest fan,” she said softly so only Cristiano could hear while Bernie whispered excitedly to his wife about the fact that the footballer was here with their daughter. Cristiano grinned at Rachel, who rolled her eyes as her parents started towards the car.

“So you did know who I was when we met,” Cristiano said making Rachel look at him and smiled.


“Your parents seem nice,” Cristiano said as they stepped into Rachel’s old bedroom once they had managed to escape Bernie, who wanted nothing more than to show the footballer all of Rachel’s baby pictures.

The brunette rolled her eyes as she set down her bag and looked at her boyfriend, her room hadn’t changed since she had moved out and she knew her parents were thrilled to have her home.

“I mean it… I think they are the first parents that have ever liked me,” Cristiano said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly, he didn’t care that he was slightly jet-lagged only that he got to spend more time with his girlfriend.

Rachel smiled at him as she cuddled closer to him, she couldn’t believe that he was doing this for her and she was grateful for the fact that this was how everything was working out; she had never thought that this could happen to her.

“Thank you for doing this,” Rachel said as Cristiano ran his fingers through her hair, he resisted the urge to make love to her since he didn’t want her parents catching them; he didn’t want to mess things up.

“Its fine,” Cristiano said as he brushed his lips against hers, she was something special and he knew that he couldn’t let that go for anything in the world.

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