Chapter Thirteen: Goodbye, Hello

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Cristiano moaned softly as he pulled back from Rachel, his head rested against her shoulder as he tried to regain his breath; the brunette ran her fingers through his hair knowing that today she would be leaving for Miami.

“Are you sure that you want to go?” the footballer asked as he carefully moved to kiss her lips, he had done everything in his power to make things magical for them; he didn’t know when he would see her again and it was killing him.

“You know that I have to,” Rachel said softly as she allowed the footballer to kiss her again, she knew that this wasn’t easy; but she had to go home, she just couldn’t stop her entire life because she was falling in love.

Cristiano held her close as he moved onto his back, his arms holding the brunette close as he thought about what he was going to do without her; he knew that long distance would be difficult but he was willing to give it a go for her.

“It’ll be okay… we have talked about this, we’ll speak every day,” Rachel said as she tried to convince herself that everything was going to be okay; however even to her, the words sounded weak and unpromising.

Cristiano closed his brown eyes as he thought about what they had talked about and he knew that once she was in the plane then there would be no going back.

“We’ll make it work,” the footballer said knowing that he would fight with everything that he had to make sure that there was a way for them to be together; he knew that it wasn’t going to be easy and he was going to do whatever it took.


The couple hugged after Rachel had checked in for her flight back to Miami, she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy but she had to do this; she didn’t want to become dependent on him.

“Stay with me,” Cristiano said softly, this was hurting him more than he had ever imagined, and he knew that it wouldn’t be ears but he never thought it would be like this.

The brunette was wearing a green pocket drapey jersey top and skinny jeans in distressed and ripped vintage paired with black western boots.

“You know that I can’t,” Rachel replied as she pulled back from their hug and looked up at Cristiano.

His face was covered in a set of Armani sunglasses and a baseball cap; he sighed and moved his hands to cup Rachel’s face, his heart aching at the thought of what was going on.

“Rachel por favor,” he said moving so his head rested against hers, Rachel sighed and wrapped her arms around Cristiano’s neck; she didn’t want to hurt him but she couldn’t stay in Madrid, she had a life back in Miami that she couldn’t just walk away from.

The couple were lucky that no one had recognised Cristiano and that the press hadn’t followed them; Cristiano didn’t want anyone getting close to Rachel especially since he knew they would drive her away.

“Cris… I can’t,” Rachel said making her closed her brown eyes and sighed, she knew that if this carried on then she was going to break down and cry.

“I have to go back to sort things out,” the brunette said her voice shaking slightly, she had to walk away while she still could otherwise she knew that she was going to get herself into a lot of trouble.

Cristiano frowned, he knew she couldn’t stay no matter how much he wanted her to, and it wasn’t practical; he couldn’t expect her to drop her life in a heartbeat just for him.

“I’m coming back,” she promised Cristiano as she opened her eyes and looked up at him Cristiano looked at her slightly surprised; he wanted nothing more than to have her at home with him.

The Portuguese ran his hands through Rachel’s brown hair, which had gotten a few shades lighter while she had been in Madrid; he knew that it had something to do with the autumn sun that they had been having.

Giving a quick glance around Cristiano checked the area making Rachel smile and shake her head knowing what he was looking for; she had a feeling that he was going to make himself known.

Cristiano smirked before pulling off his sunglasses and baseball cap, he wanted to show off his girlfriend while he still had the chance; he pulled her into a kiss, ignoring the looks that he knew he was going to get.

The brunette’s arms wrapped around his neck, holding Cristiano closer she didn’t care that several people had noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo was kissing her.

Rachel moved back so she could breathe while Cristiano closed his eyes and rested his head against her shoulder; she knew that this wasn’t going to change things and she hoped that he would be okay.

“Por favor,” he said one more time making Rachel shake her head as she moved to collect her black lock detail shoulder bag; she wasn’t going to give him any false hope since she knew that it would be cruel.

“Por favor be careful amor,” Cristiano said as he pressed a brief kiss to her lips, he hated that he might not see her again for several months and he wasn’t sure what he would ever do if something happened and he lost her.

The footballer didn’t care that people were staring at them, he was losing Rachel and he didn’t know what to do; he looked down at her as she started to pull away from him.

“I have to go,” Rachel said as she placed a finally kiss to the Portuguese’s lips, she wished that there was another way but she knew that this was for the best.

Cristiano watched her go and as soon as she was out of sight Cristiano was sure what he had to do.


Rachel sighed and closed her brown eyes, as she sat back in her seat she didn’t want to have to face the eighteen hour flight back alone but she didn’t have a choice.

Rachel ignored the person who sat next to her, she ignored the inflight demonstration; she didn’t care, she had just walked away from the best thing that had ever happened to her.

It was thirty minutes into the flight before she heard the person next to her clear their throat, Rachel kept her eyes closed pretending she had fallen asleep.

The person next to Rachel chuckled, and a hand rested on her leg before the person leant across and whispered into Rachel’s ear.

“You didn’t think I’d let you walk away that easy did you?” the man said pressing a kiss to Rachel’s neck as she stiffened under his touch; Rachel held her eyes closed, if she opened them, she didn’t want to have to face reality.

“Come on Rachel open your eyes for me,” the man said, squeezing her leg as if to comfort her about what was happening. Rachel shook her head, this was some sort of cruel joke that someone was playing on her.

“Rachel open your eyes,” the man whispered, but the brunette shook her head making the person sigh and press their lips to her cheek.

“You won’t regret it,” he whispered making Rachel shiver lightly as he kissed her cheek again, his lips brushing against her cheek before they moved to her lips and pecked them.

Rachel swallowed as she took a deep breath as she prepared to open her eyes, she knew that when she did that it would change everything.

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