Chapter Sixteen: Making Decisions

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After discovering Rachel was having his baby, Cristiano was more certain than ever that he wouldn’t be able to leave her behind when he returned to Madrid; he couldn't believe that he was going to be a father again.

Having decided to give Rachel some time to process what she would tell her parents, Cristiano was currently looking into the football teams in Miami that he could sign to while he sat in one of the local cafés.

He was currently looking into Miami FC to see if they could afford to buy out his contract with Real Madrid if need be; if Rachel wouldn’t move to Madrid then he would come here to her.

Cristiano was glad that up until this point Evan hadn’t done anything stupid, he didn’t need Rachel becoming stressed; it wouldn’t be good for her or the baby and he didn’t want anything happening to either of them.

Cristiano closed his laptop and ran a hand through his hair, he didn’t know what to do if Rachel didn’t want to come back to Madrid with him; he doubted that Miami would be able to buy out his contract, which currently stood at  €1 billion if someone wanted to buy him.

Cristiano closed his eyes as he tried to think of what he could do, he wanted to be there for Rachel and their unborn child.

He wanted them and Junior to be a family together; but if Rachel wouldn’t move to Madrid with him there wasn’t much he could do short of transferring or leaving football altogether.

“So Amber Matthews and Evan Jameson are engaged?” Cristiano heard an elderly lady say making him open his eyes and look over at her and her friend; he didn’t usually listen to gossiping women but he couldn’t help but be curious about what Rachel’s cousin was up to.

Cristiano frowned wondering if Rachel had heard of this yet, he hoped not; he knew that she had enough on her plate right now and the last thing that she needed was to hear what her ex-boyfriend was doing.

“And according to Amber… Evan’s ex, Amber’s cousin Rachel is pregnant to Cristiano Ronaldo,” she continued making Cristiano choke on his drink, he hadn’t expected the news to get out that quickly; he had a feeling that it was more to do with Evan than it had to do with Amber.

“If so I wish Rachel and Cristiano the best… that Amber’s a real piece of work,” the second elderly lady said as she sipped on her drink while Cristiano put away his laptop, he smiled softly as he finished his drink hoping that things would work out for him and Rachel.

The footballer pulled out his phone as he walked out of the café to call his agent, he wanted to put a stop to Amber and Evan talking to the press about Rachel and their pregnancy.


Rachel licked her lips nervously as she sat in her parents’ kitchen, Roz and Bernie sat facing her; eyeing their daughter in concern as they waited for her to speak, they knew that something was going on.

“Rachel, is everything okay sweetheart?” Bernie asked while Roz started to grin, she had already figured out what Rachel was going to say; she had known as soon as she had seen her daughter and she was thrilled.  

“Mum… Dad… I’m pregnant,” she said making Roz jump squealing and hugged her daughter, Bernie sat quietly while his wife declared that she knew it; he had never thought that this was what his only daughter wanted to tell him.

“I knew it… the glow you’ve been wearing for days… the fact you’re not wearing a bra,” Roz said cheerfully while Rachel looked at her; she knew she should have guessed her mother would have figured it out.

Roz and Rachel looked over at Bernie who was still sitting there in his seat quietly; Rachel looked at her mother who shrugged.

“Daddy?” Rachel asked softly making Bernie look at her before he started grinning; his wife and daughter looking at him wary wondering how he was going to react to this news.

“My daughter’s having Cristiano Ronaldo’s Baby,” Bernie said jumping up from his seat making his wife and daughter roll their eyes; of course Bernie would be more excited that about Cristiano than his daughter’s pregnancy.

“Wait… so you’re not mad?” Rachel asked making her parents look at her weird; they then started to laugh making Rachel look at them confused.

“Of course not… we’ve been waiting years for you to settle down and have children; I mean sure we wanted you married but with Evan we never thought it could happen,” Roz said giving her daughter a hug.

It was at that moment that Cristiano walked through the door with a frown on his face; Rachel looked at Cristiano concerned, she knew that something had happened if he back early.

“Evan knows that you are pregnant and he’s told the press,” he said making Roz and Bernie look at Rachel concerned as she ran a hand through her hair.


Cristiano was quick to tell Rachel and her parents that he had already spoken to his agent who was having a gagging order placed on Amber and Evan; so they couldn’t sell stories to the press about him or Rachel.

Roz and Bernie had headed to the local community Salsa night, meaning that Rachel and Cristiano were alone; the two of them, were watching a film starring Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl.

“So what did you do today?” Rachel asked making Cristiano who had his arms wrapped around Rachel, look down at her.

“Not much,” he said shrugging before he pressed a kiss onto Rachel’s lips; Rachel rolled her eyes at his secretiveness.

Cristiano chuckled before he slowly sat up forcing Rachel to do so as well, Rachel looked at him confused as he slipped away from her and picked up something out of his laptop bag.

Cristiano moved so he was back next to Rachel who was watching him curiously; he smiled softly as he brushed some of Rachel’s hair back behind her ear.

“I wanted to say thank you,” he said before he opened the jewelry box that was in his hand, Rachel looked at his confused before she spotted the 9ct white gold third carat diamond pendant that Cristiano was holding.

“I haven’t done anything,” Rachel said shaking her head as the footballer took the pendant out of its box; he had wanted to get her something beautiful especially since he had fallen so hard for her.

“You’re carrying my baby… I love you more than life itself and I’ve only known you two weeks,” he said resting his head against Rachel’s; he smiled at her as carefully put the pendant on her neck.

“It’s expensive,” she said biting her lip unsure what she should say about the gift, she had to admit that it was beautiful; she had never owned anything like this before.

Rachel sighed and kissed Cristiano making him look at her oddly, she shook her head softly and allowed some of her hair to fall in front of face.

“I’ll move back to Madrid with you,” she said softly making Cristiano smile as he moved her hair from her face; he knew that this wasn’t an easy decision for her and he hoped that he could make her happy when they returned to the Spanish capital.

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